S. Laurel Weldon

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S. Laurel Weldon


Political Scientist, Scholar of Women, Gender and Politics, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Fellow Royal Society of Canada, Distinguished Professor, Simon Fraser University
Gambia lawmakers who had been moving toward repealing the country's ban on female genital cutting overwhelmingly changed course on Monday, voting instead to keep the legislation in place after women staged an intense three-month campaign.
Gambia Votes to Keep Ban on Female Genital Cutting, in Sharp Reversalwww.nytimes.com Lawmakers in the West African country had supported overturning the prohibition, but changed course on Monday after a vociferous campaign led by women.
Vance and his kind depend on ignorance. Which, of course, makes professors and the media and anyone who provides knowledge their nature enemies. By marking us as his enemy, he tells on himself.
“Canada is such a northern country, don’t we want a little global warming?” I often hear. In a nutshell, NO. We’re warming 2x faster than the rest of the world, driving extreme heat, flood, and sea level rise we are not prepared for. The wildfire season started in Feb this year. Feb! #canadaday
Canada’s Changing Climate Reportchangingclimate.ca
"Since he left office, his bigotry, overt and implied, has only gotten worse"—and it's spreading. My new @theatlantic.bsky.social Daily piece on Black jobs, racism, and presidential fitness🎁(or you can subscribe to the newsletter to get The Daily free as an email) theatlantic.com/newsletters/...
When Assessing Presidential Fitness, Consider Racismtheatlantic.com An excavation of Trump’s “Black jobs” claim
A poll conducted post-debate shows: - no shift in the horse race since April - Harris faring better (though not significantly) than Biden against Trump www.washingtonpost.com/politics/202...
AAAS has just released an amazing set of comic book stories about women scientists, including physicist Dr. Jessica Esquivel & astronomer Dr. Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil. And the art by @juaneletamal.bsky.social is amazing. Please check them out! #EduSky #AstroSky #comics🎢 sciall.org/projects/?fb...
They’re coming for abortion and contraception coverage.
This should be a much bigger story! "The Heritage Foundation...recommended that [DOL] and Congress should clarify that federal labor regulations for employer-sponsored healthcare plans “should not be allowed to trump states’ ability to protect innocent human life in the womb” gift: wapo.st/3x6Yeqw
Conservatives tied to Trump want to limit insurance coverage for abortionswapo.st The proposal could make it more difficult for those with private-employer insurance to get out-of-state abortions, legal experts say.
The APSA Latino Caucus in Political Science is accepting nominations for the best book award. I'm on the committee. Nominate yourself! Deadline is June 24. Must have 2023 copyright. Send nominations to committee chair Jaime Dominguez ([email protected]). Happy try to answer any questions.
“Turning Red” is one of the realest movies I’ve ever seen about the adolescent experience, wtf this is such a galling reminder that stories about fathers and sons get framed as “universal” but stories about mothers and daughters are “niche” and “not everyone can relate”
Just fold the studio into Disney and kill it already. Make Toy Story sequels till the sun fucking burns out. Love how this shift conveniently happened when more woman/POC were really pushing to direct their own stories. Defining their experiences as not "universal" is saying the quiet part aloud.
Libraries are one of the most radical social institutions we have, because they’re based on the idea that *everyone* has the right to information, for free. It’s also what makes them crucial to democracy. I will never stop yelling about this!
Poor people use libraries. Rich people shut them down because they don't *want* poor people to read.
Polisky! Run, don’t walk, to order this excellent, fascinating, and occasionally very gross book just published by @tanishafazal.bsky.social. You will learn so much about military medicine, the politics of veterans benefits, and democratic accountability in war. @bridgingthegap.bsky.social
I'm reading grant proposal applications this afternoon and if you're writing one I beg I plead I IMPLORE you to make sure you actually identify your research project, in language accessible to folks outside your field. Make sure your reader knows what your research question and theory are.
if you operate in crisis mode at all times and focus exclusively on everything that is bad and getting worse eventually you will end up as an apathetic depressed husk convinced that nothing you or anyone else does will make a difference if you really want to do good, don't let this happen to you
My husband is reading a really interesting book about activist burn out, and basically every chapter that looks at specific historical activists shows that being unable to acknowledge even minor victories leads to burn out and depression.
This is pretty interesting, I knew next to nothing about Mexico’s Jewish community www.nytimes.com/2024/06/03/w...
Fox aired an interview in which Trump said, yes, he’d release documents related to 9/11, JFK and Epstein. They didn’t air when Trump added some caveats about Epstein and the reliability of information about his associates … like Trump. www.washingtonpost.com/politics/202...
Analysis | The last thing Trump will do is rebuild trust in institutionswww.washingtonpost.com In an interview with Fox News, Trump was asked how he would rebuild confidence in institutions. Why would he try?
Dr. Fauci dedicated his career to public service and improving people’s lives. We should not allow public servants to be harassed by wackadoodles.
I urge you to read Dr. Fauci's transcribed interview where he goes into more detail about the threats to him and his family, including how the extreme rhetoric from politicians and other academics fuel this. This needs much more focus. Below, page one more clearly displayed. The rest follows 👇.
Breaking News: Claudia Sheinbaum has won Mexico’s presidency. In a historic vote, the climate scientist became the first woman and first Jewish person elected to the position. nyti.ms/4bFKZfj
In the latest example of television journalists having to weigh the news value of a major political moment, several networks cut away from Donald Trump on Friday during an appearance at Trump Tower that devolved into a rambling and misleading speech.
News Organizations Cut Away From Trump’s Misleading Speechwww.nytimes.com It was the latest example of journalists having to weigh the news value of a major political moment against the challenges of reporting on a candidate who regularly speaks in falsehoods.
Here's an inside look at how the prosecution wove damning testimony and mountains of physical evidence together, enabling the jury to quickly return a guilty verdict in Trump's hush-money case and more key moments from the 22-day trial:
The key moments that explain the verdict in the Trump hush money trialwww.washingtonpost.com An inside look at how the prosecution wove damning testimony and mountains of physical evidence together, enabling the jury to quickly return a guilty verdict.
We moved on very, very quickly from the guilty verdict itself being the news.