
It's very hard to make art in a society where it is deeply ingrained that the serious work of your life is making money for other people and taking care of your loved ones, and art is a slightly self-indulgent hobby for yourself.
Humans have made art since they lived in caves in unimaginable squalor and hardship
You’re both obviously right?
I wasn’t expressing a contrary opinion. Art is always a “luxury” (ie not food, shelter or reproduction). So the little voice that says to the artist “this is an extravagance” is both correct and something that artists have had to love making art so much that they’ve ignored it throughout history.
For me Art is a necessity It’s food for the soul Life without Art is merely exist and not truly living A society that doesn’t value its artists is brutal and uncivilized
merely EXISTENCE Autocorrect again!
I hope you can still find a little bit of time for your art 😭 Don’t feel bad T. S. Eliot had a boring day job
Well in all seriousness I love my day job and the creativity and sheer bloodyminded commitment to intangible goals I learned at art college are probably what’s making me successful
You have it all! Gratifying day job, fine arts training, creative outlet, etc. I warm my hands at your 🔥
Hehe I reserve the right to complain about it tho ❤️🫶