Rufus Hickok

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Rufus Hickok

Writer for Mashable, Bust, Ordinary Times, and others; author of "The Paris Bureau" 2020 DIO Press Inc, pathological reader, returned expat from Canada, New Yorker at the moment.
Yes, my cat is a little scared of fireworks but you know what really terrifies him? The Netflix stinger.
The only thing in my memory that I can compare it to was the mainstream media's unified insistence that we were absolutely going to invade Iraq. Having said that, the problem for liberals is we're repulsed by the Times, but, if they asked any one of us tomorrow to write for them, we all would.
The New York Times ratfucking operation in favor of Trump is so incredibly blatant that it’s beyond parody. If you saw ratfucking like this coming from a newspaper in a movie, you’d probably think it was a bit over the top.
You know, his fans hold up Andrew Tate as some avatar of masculinity, and then you see him and he looks like the roofer voted Most Likely to Fall Off.
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"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
I went through 11 articles in the Times about why Biden should leave the race now before I got to this one some-people-say/other-people-say article about Presidential immunity.
News Analysis: In its immunity decision, the Supreme Court’s conservative majority largely embraced Donald Trump’s dark view of tit-for-tat partisan prosecutions while liberals cited the prospect of power unchecked by legal accountability.
In Immunity Decision, Clashing Views of the Nature of The Supreme Court’s conservative majority largely embraced Donald Trump’s dark view of tit-for-tat partisan prosecutions while liberals cited the prospect of power unchecked by legal accountability.
One of my most regretful moments was getting back in touch with an old friend who loved Elliott Smith and did not know, or believe me, when I said it was sad that he had killed himself.
let’s get unbearably maudlin for just a minute while celebrating a top ten banger cover/album combo
And it's also worth pointing out that the right winger push to close libraries has increased in direct proportion to the poor and indigent using them in much greater numbers. There's a real fear-of-the-slaves-reading vibe going on.
Public libraries remain overwhelmingly popular with the public. And liberals can quickly point out that *they* don't want to "cancel" any books, while right wingers have lists of hundreds they want removed, but haven't read.
Okay, but: "The vacancy rate is calculated by first totaling the number of homes “available to rent” in the city. This does not include vacant apartments that are “dilapidated” or empty because the owner uses the unit as a pied-à-terre or a short-term rental, like an Airbnb."
New York City’s Housing Crunch Is the Worst It Has Been in Over 50 Only 1.4 percent of the city’s rentals were available in 2023, according to new data, the lowest portion since 1968. The market was even tighter for lower-cost apartments.
Okay, let's talk for a second about how calling something a "Rorschach test" is both a hideously overused cliché and a way of avoiding expressing one's own judgement. Then, let's talk about how "in many ways" and "like a" are words a milquetoast uses to further water down a non-statement.
Writing for the NYT requires either having or pretending to have a degree of gullibility that could not occur in the wild
I gotta say one of my heroes of capitalism at the moment is Mark Cuban- making a fortune by selling drugs at a small markup and undercutting the motherfuckers at Walgreen's. I love to see it.
I feel like liberals often make the mistake of assuming the youth are innately more clear-eyed and just than their parents and, when that turns out not to be the case, thinking well, it's just a few misguided ones.
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I just cannot imagine going from a person of modest means to being fabulously wealthy and spending all my time being mad at people that want to change their lot in life.
Oh, no! Idle street fighting threats from a guy who looks like a high school accounting teacher!
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Kristi Noem wondering why she didn't think of this.
I thought “RFK ate a dog” was metaphorical, but I was startled to find out today that RFK really *did* eat a dog and took comedy photos with the corpse
Right wingers talk all the time about "taking back" things, but I think we need to do the same, starting with taking back public libraries from the parochial loons.
I mean, it's more my theory than a fact, but pretty much every male "rock star" schtick is just copying drag queen camping.
OK besides this below and DEVO coming out of the Kent State massacre, what are other facts you have about the evolution of art / music /etc that wouldn't be obvious if you didn't know but, retroactively, explain and/or illuminate a LOT ?
Bad Cop: "Vote for me and I will turn the government to the will of one man who is above the law." Good Cop: "Wow, did you hear that? Better donate to my campaign so we can slow down the collapse of democracy somewhat."
Imagining a plumber being lectured by a quote-unquote feminist about the "paraphilias" in Freud.
Sorry wouldn’t normally put her on the timeline but this might be the most insane thing j k rowlings ever written
I feel like companies with an online component really need to understand that it's not just the AI bots making their websites difficult and annoying; it's also being asked to "rate" every single interaction you have with a live person.
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This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
For Canada Day, the most Canadian thing I can think of- if you know, you know- is the Victoria, B.C. punk band The Hanson Brothers covering Stompin Tom's The Hockey Song.
The Hanson Brothers - The Hockey The Hockey Song by The Hanson Bros.
I know a taxi driver who plays rockabilly music and is an incredibly nice guy, and also, holy Christ, it's 2024 and he's *still* posting on Instagram about how naïve the rest of us were for only now realizing Covid was fake and the vaccine will kill us, and etc. etc.
I have a certain sympathy for the "Never Trumpers," but do they *ever* wrestle with the realization that Trumpism is pretty much the apotheosis of the Reagan Revolution, or no?
there’s this desperate need for a Reasonable Republican, a Principled Opposition with which we can disagree in good faith Trump is so crass that he broke the illusion, so the Never Trumpers like Bret were elevated even though they aren’t that either because it doesn’t exist