

Agnostic, vegetarian social worker who drives a Prius, loves Starbucks and NPR. Yes, I am a stereotype, and I am okay with it. Racists and TERFs can piss off
Reposted by Annelaura
A is for AR-15, which any adult can buy B is for bullets, which make holes in guys C is for cops, who will wait outside for hours D is for dialing 911, which is what children do E is for EMTs, who can treat you when you escape F is for flee, with better odds at survival G is for guns, guns guns guns
“Chances are, you’re never ever going to have to use this. If you do, it’s gonna be scary,” trauma nurse Kate Carleton told the 8- and 9-year-olds. “But because we’ve taught you what to do, it makes it a little less scary.”
Born from the tragedy of gun violence, this program teaches children how to stop a wound from bleeding out | “Stop the Bleed” turns bystanders — even young children — into immediate responders by teaching them to pack a wound and use a tourniquet.
Reposted by Annelaura
The strangest case of my primary care career began with an electronic patient request. I get these a lot. 99% are med refills, forms, or questions about symptoms. This was different. My patient felt fine. But, he was worried he’d be sent to jail… 1/13
Reposted by Annelaura
Hey folks—if you type “thank my driver” in the search bar on Amazon, and click the “Thank my driver” bar that pops up after you search, they are tipping the driver of your recent order $5. I’m shocked, but it works. Please tip delivery workers, especially at this time of year.
Reposted by Annelaura
I’m not much of a theology guy but I don’t think forcing women to do this is forgivable
Reposted by Annelaura
End of feed.