
Everyone but the most die hard Trump cultists knew january 6 was an insurrection when it happened and knew Trump was responsible. Elite pundits changed their tune only once the courts got involved, rewriting history because they fear the implications of the case.
It was frequently blasted on Twitter for a couple of weeks before Jan 6. “Be there, it will be wild.” “We’ll be armed to make sure Trump isn’t robbed.” And so on. Most of us kept sending the copies of the Tweets to the FBI. It was shocking that there was no National Guard there in advance.
To remember all the coup planning that was going on by so many during that time. Elaborate multi pronged, multistage, national, violent plan to subvert the will of American voters.
Beyond that, just the fucking merch they had prepared. Shit like "Second Civil War 1.6" or "6MWNE" (6 million was not enough), let alone the fucking Gallows they built. That shit takes time, how much more clear could they have been .
Yaaaas with tees, bless their traitorous ❤️s
Honestly makes the whole thing feel pretty surreal now. Like people are arguing about whether it was an insurrection or not while people had Tshirts basically saying "I attended an Insurrection to overthrow the government to have Donald Trump installed as dictator and all i got was this T-shirt"