Some guy

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Some guy

Reposted byAvatar Some guy
Happy #primeweek! I just want to let y’all know that the Amazon shipping warehouse where my husband works is denying workers fans during a nationally recognized heat emergency and everything you order during time week places workers’ lives at risk.
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
One thing I don’t understand is why, when people are outraged by some injustice or affront — like book bans — they don’t first look to see who is already tracking the issue, who’s already working on education + organization. “We need to do something!” People *are*. Find them. Help them.
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
Every four years, American voters have to vote like there's a "Thanos level" threat to US democracy, but when American politicians get into office, they don't approach politics like democracy is on the line. They don't show respect for that democracy that so many voters came out to "save."
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
We need more, but credit where due: both The Nation (June 2024 issue) and Boston Review have run a breakdown of the Project 2025 “Mandate for Leadership” document. Media Matters, too. Lots of good work going on digesting this.
Where are the columnists who are experts in specific fields, breaking down what the Heritage Foundation + Trump want to do to each individual federal agency? E.g. I read the section dedicated to our intelligence agencies, and had to stop, since I was starting to feel a little nauseous.
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
I’m glad Biden addressed the nation last night (proof of life and all) but his message amounted to: I will not use the vast power the court just gave me, but Trump will. Good for contrast, horrible in conceding the premise that there are two sets of rules.
A Better Way To Respond To The Supreme Court's Intolerable Immunity Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
This is my longest and most important newsletter, it is the thing that binds everything I've ever written. Please repost, read it, share it with your friends, demand people on the street read it, make them read it. They must read it
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
The director of Al shifa hospital has been released after 7 months of torture, during which he witnessed the torture and murder of many other medical staff. Netanyahu, Ben gvir, Benny Gantz and others are calling his release an outrage and he may be targeted for killing or re-kidnapping.
Head of Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital released after months of Pulled from a U.N. convoy, Mohamed Abu Salmiya’s detention bookended one of the most indelible chapters of Israel’s nine-month military operation in Gaza.
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
I don't think Biden should call Garland to his office and demand he open a criminal investigation immediately against Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Trump, and every executive at Fox News on charges of treason by tomorrow or he's fired, but if he /did/ do that, it wouldn't be criminal
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
Folks we all are guilty of armchair QBing campaigns but I think it's pretty uncontroversial to assert that a statement about a SCOTUS ruling that does not talk about either the ruling or SCOTUS is not how to play this.
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
“The Court’s conservative majority has revealed itself to be the most direct threat to American democracy, and any Democrat who is not ready to shelve old fears about ‘court packing’ and get serious about expanding and reforming the Court isn’t made for this moment.” Correct.
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
frankly, the first defeat that we can hand them, in November, is the easiest possible one we are going to be offered, and we'd be fools not to make it happen.
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
wow huh how weird
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
BREAKING: The Israeli army has ordered a mass evacuation of Palestinians from the eastern half of the city of Khan Younis in Gaza, a sign that Israeli troops could soon return to the city.
Israel orders Palestinians to flee Khan Younis, signaling return of troops to southern Gaza The order is a sign that Israeli troops could soon return.
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
"Israel released the director of Gaza’s main hospital on Monday after holding him for seven months without charge or trial over allegations the facility had been used as a Hamas command center. He said he and other detainees were held under harsh conditions and tortured."
BREAKING: The Israeli army has ordered a mass evacuation of Palestinians from the eastern half of the city of Khan Younis in Gaza, a sign that Israeli troops could soon return to the city.
Israel orders Palestinians to flee Khan Younis, signaling return of troops to southern Gaza The order is a sign that Israeli troops could soon return.
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
I think about this line a lot these days.
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
Simply put, neither the Supreme Court nor the Presidency should exist. In a modern country, they would have a constitutional court, and a prime minister—not the king and clerics we are governed by. The American political system is outdated, corrupt, and ultimately not worth saving.
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
If you are white and you see a cop enforcing a No Sleeping Ban it is your civic duty to start oinking as obnoxiously as possible.
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
I am either shadowbanned on this site, or many racist/Islamophobic influencers and zi0nists have put me so many blocklists blindly subscribed/followed by others, esp newcomers, that my posts are hardly seen by many. This is discourages me from staying here or posting more often. Advice?
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
Everybody, I already said this yesterday, & this is time for you to practice what you preach. Yesterday the Supreme Court made a ruling that makes being homeless more hazardous than it's ever been. There are tons of mutual aid seekers with you on bluesky that you can help spare from homelessness.
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
What’s the point in tweeting this when you’re not even going to try to do a single thing about it?
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
the end of Chevron deference is another manifestation of the fact that the Roberts Court doesn’t view itself as part of the constitutional order as much as lording over it
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
tweeted this four years ago and it pretty much sums up my feelings on this shit
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
So to recap, SCOTUS says: * We justices are the executive branch now * The majestic equality of the laws prohibits both rich and poor alike from sleeping under bridges * Obstructing the certification of the president after an election is, at least in isolation, very cool and very legal
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
I woke up this morning feeling profound anger: at Biden, at his cynical backers and mindless sycophants, at this rotten mess of a supposed democracy—at all of it. I hope you're angry too
You Should Be Furious Right I am angry that I live in a country that has produced this nightmare.
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
The House of Representatives is considering an amendment to an annual appropriations act that would prohibit funds for the international affairs budget from being used by State Department to cite any number of Palestinians killed by Israel in Gaza.
Reposted byAvatar Some guy
"It seems highly unlikely that Cannon will do anything to curb Trump’s speech, until someone else gets hurt — and, if and when that happens, she will blame the government for failing to properly argue in favor of the gag order."
Trump asserts constitutional right to harass FBI And Judge Cannon is cool with it.