
After a long political battle, EU Countries have just adopted the Nature Restoration Law (NRL) - thanks to Austria's last minute endorsement. 'Client Earth' explains that the adoption of this law is "a turning point for nature and society":
Historic win for EU's nature: EU Council seals the deal on Nature Restoration Law | After a nail-biting last discussion, the EU Council finally adopted the Nature Restoration Law, marking the last step for this long-awaited proposal to become law.
I've just read that the Austrian endorsement was by a brave minister rebelling against the instruction of the Austrian chancellor.
Ostrian memberstate Vienna turned from no to yes; meaning Wessler was not out of order mandate wise when she voted yes; Stocker thought the no was in the pocket. That is Arrogance; but not a Mandatory problem as far as I can tell :) Link in dutch
‘Haagse coalitie in problemen als natuurherstelwet er komt’ Oostenrijk gaat hoogstwaarschijnlijk toch voor de Europese natuurherstelwet stemmen.
My dutch partyleader has faced hell on all media since his return to dutch politics (Timmermans ) He now, in return, is one tweet short of going "Nah Nah Nah Naaah Nah" while saying he will refuse support if not met with consent for new elections :P
Depends on if the Ostrian Kansler will get his way at EU Court as he accuses the Minister of abuse of power. But eitherway; untill court will say otherwise, it still is agreed by EU :P Imagine the laughter at dutch labour department. After Wilders going bonkers with his sunshine tweets:P
Another great reason to get UK back into EU