Anne Marie

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Anne Marie

Counsellor, Leftie, Opinionated often called a Witch.
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Just saw on Duke, Chloe Wright fronting an ad for The Village a Wright Family Foundation initiative. Pio and Mark Sainsbury featured as well, now I am confused as to who is actually alive.
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this article from a couple of years ago, basically about US politics, could've been written about destiny church's weaponising of stochastic violence in Aotearoa "claimed drag queens participating in book readings were trying to sexualize children" #nzpol
How Stochastic Terrorism Uses Disgust to Incite Pundits are weaponizing disgust to fuel violence, and it’s affecting our humanity
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Political violence always benefits authoritarians because liberals will always condemn it and authoritarians, regardless of whether they are perpetrators or victims, will always use it to claim more power.
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Senate Dems should take one of their assorted gun control bills off the shelf, rename it something like "Trump Assassination Prevention Act," and force Rs to do a talking filibuster to block it
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wish i could write this coherently "Simeon, I don’t actually care that you had no work experience other than as a BNZ branch worker and community/Church leader, before taking the reins of some of the most important, structurally significant, and heavily monetized portfolios in New Zealand." #nzpol
Auckland & Transport Minister Simeon Brown's After battling hard to increase speed limits around schools and high fatality roads, Simeon sets his sights on something much bigger: road cones.
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since Luxon is heading to the US next week, whatever's left of our media going with him better be paying close fucking attention to *every single person* he meets with, because if he meets with any trump associates, I'm fully onboard with a coup.
This Government should blame itself for the infrastructure hole it’s in – Steve Maharey
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…the f'ing trucking lobby oc! 😒
The size excuse is used by both trucking lobbying firms as they know the 225m long boats are pefect to take rail wagons while the smaller boats are not See through this one team and call out the trucking lobbying for the scum they are
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I’ll just leave this here again. #nzpol New ferries “The two new ferries would have meant double the passenger and vehicle capacity and triple rail capacity, while reducing the carbon footprint by about 40 percent.”
This will come back to Bite the Stupid Luxon.
Government maybe need to check this out before they sign Children up to Boot Camps.
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Right Wing Jocks in media talking about the PMs announcement and not the ferries That said NZ Herald and Newsroom not covering the Ferry report yesterday, only one news which means we have a hatchet job coming
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A previous clanger from Rod on our Transport Minister
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Just learned the Spanish version of "righty tighty, lefty loosey" translates as "the right oppresses, the left liberates" and holy shit that goes hard.
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Wow. A restaurant in Chicago O’Hare, one of the biggest airports in the world, banned an infectious disease doctor from entering because they were wearing a mask. This is unacceptable.
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The chances of the ultimate solution this govt enacts being a) more expensive and b) less fit for purpose than the contract they cancelled are so high that you wouldn’t make a cent betting on it.
So where’s the Petition for Ms Nicola Willis to resign or be relieved of her Minister of Finance Portfolio.
Apparently Kiwi Rail Chairman handed in his Resignation last week.
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Willis has just announced the Government have $7.5 billion for New Ferries.