Ben Ross

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Ben Ross

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Resident of South Auckland
Cities Skylines Player and Snob
Sun is out in Auckland and it's nice and warm To save overheating as it were were decided to let in some fresh air. Known Chris Penk as opening doors and windows something foreign to you and the building industry
For Chris Penk MP Heating a problem? Solution: open a window like below and make sure the air conditioning is off The ventilation system is active bringing in fresh air and sending out stale air. Simple
Chris Penk MP might want to stop with the misinformation as no such thing No such thing as being too energy efficient and if like our new build where we were warned extra insulation in the roof AND internal insulation might add an extra 1.5C in winter that is great for several reasons
Some new houses so energy efficient, they must be cooled in winter, Minister Over-insulated? Penk says some people are taking extreme steps.
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Yeah, the problem with that is that when groups like write to Hipkins about something, we don’t receive a reply. Here’s our letter. It’s been several months and AFAIK it’s also been sent to the party’s president, with similar failure to respond.
Maybe use that $1.25 trillion to clean up the pollution and climate change mess they will leave behind first? They cant take it to heaven given Gold is used as road paving stones
The $1.25 trillion nest egg: Who will Baby Boomers leave it to? Estate planners say Kiwis don't need to be wealthy to leave a bequest to a charity.
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This research has come up several times at a big climate conference: A huge majority of people are worried about climate change and want governments to do more to control the crisis. BUT they think they are in a tiny minority and nobody else cares. Everybody (almost) cares! You are not alone 🧪
Climate Change Actions Are Far More Popular Than People in U.S. “False social reality” obscures widespread U.S. support for climate protection measures
Least Key tried a bit more
I thought it was maybe political but I think maybe Luxon is just really lazy and has no interest in doing any part of his job that isn't show pony.
With the loss of our Vehicle Kilometres Travelled reduction policy I feel we are really missing a step here too as reducing VKTs lowers pollution and congestion while improving mental health and economic productivity
WHOA All the Port fog horns will be blasting no doubt too
The Nothing had returned to engulf the Waiheke Ferry …
Another Auckland pea souper 🌁
GET RID OF HIM Dont care what he had in a bakery I want him to threaten the government that they could be up for coruption down the track
I saw a post on FB yesterday eating a chocolate eclair in Ohakune. very political
Write the names down team so when Labour returns we have all the names of NZF and ACT we need to put them to tribunal and off to prison for a very long time Write the names down
Members of this government are openly corrupt, and all media should be demanding action from Luxon every time they see him..
Anyone seen Hipkins Of course not with the gormless and hapless Labour party
Government reduces taxes on tobacco products to increase addiction to nicotine and promote the transition to smoking Tobacco industry cheers the decision This is the most corrupt government I have seen in New Zealand
Can the EU and Canada just hurry up and just start the sanctions under our various agreements in regards to emissions Only way these knuckle head farmers are going to learn when their products rot at the wharves
Reposted byAvatar Ben Ross
Can we for fucks sake stop strapping chickens to everything useless National does. Chickens are useful They give eggs and KFC Which is more those clowns at National could ever providing including the McDonald's coffee machine, where from bean to cup it fucks up.
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It's almost like they want kiwirail to go with the cheapest less commercially viable option... #nzpol
3.3% Time to lower the OCR 50 basis points
Big shit about to happen
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
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Those papers were the presentation I wrote and presented today, plus the briefing papers from MBIE in respects to the Minor Residential Units Bill currently out for submissions I was presenting as submission lead to an Elected Representative Workshop to gather their feedback 😮
We give thanks for the trees and the barrel of oil 🛢️ sacrificed today in the name of democracy
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Reposted byAvatar Ben Ross
Something must be wrong in Government as someone yet again tried to dox me to the boss...
Those papers were the presentation I wrote and presented today, plus the briefing papers from MBIE in respects to the Minor Residential Units Bill currently out for submissions I was presenting as submission lead to an Elected Representative Workshop to gather their feedback 😮
We give thanks for the trees and the barrel of oil 🛢️ sacrificed today in the name of democracy
Reposted byAvatar Ben Ross
Vances hometown newspaper specifically condemned him less than an hour after he was officially nominates as VP. He's despised already and he hasn't even been a candidate for 6 hours yet.
Reposted byAvatar Ben Ross
Vance is an Extremely Online™️ pick. Americans don’t know him. They don’t know he’s a Senator. They don’t know Hillbilly Elegy. They don’t know what an elegy is. Vance works for shitposters, CPAC nerds and weirdo billionaire vampires. That’s it.
Reposted byAvatar Ben Ross