
Aight but like. White folks, you can just take the L when someone calls you out on doing some white shit. You can go “oh, I fucked up, I’m sorry, I won’t do it again” and take the L without justifying or excusing yourself. You can fuck up but you gotta accept it *and* strive to do better.
Caring more about being right than doing actual good is the huge problem here
That is exactly how I learned, by messing up unintentionally! And APOLOGIZING because "I didn't mean to" is not an apology!
Right? Like, if you meant to, you wouldn't even be getting the chance to apologize. That's the *bare minimum* for us to still be talking.
Stepping back at least to listen to what was said in the call out of white shit is good, even if you think you disagree and have a point to make. Doubling down on the racism and making a bunch of all caps posts is definitely not the take to have.
We try to do this bc lord knows we get up to some white bullshit sometimes as much as we'd rather not. Letting go of the defensive reaction has been hard but we're working on it always.
To fuck up is human, but to keep fucking up in the same way and not learn, or to turn one's fuck up into a whole event where one expects those who were wronged to console and validate one's feelings...that stops being "a fuckup" and turns into manipulation.
these types think being an ally and co-conspirator means never making a misstep and care more about How Progressive they are than forming bonds and growing and learning. like mfer if your intent is good “shit, my b dude. what’s the best means going forward? sick!” is 10x better than not taking the L
But there is nothing quite so essentially white as never taking the L.
This is an important lesson. I don't remember where I first heard something similar on Twitter back in the day but it's been inundated in the back of my mind for a while
Thank you. I’m reminded of how I can be imperfect and then imperfect again. We shouldnt need reminders and I always appreciate them. It’s a good slow down.
while this is correct and i agree with it. I still gotta get it in my own brain. I'll call out others for doing so even, but myself, difficult questioning from my blood mother scared me so much I attempt to justify stuff out of fear if i don't show introspection, I'll be not trying.
It's literally so much easier too. I've had my share of Ls that I had to take, it was way easier and less energy and time consuming to accept that L and try to do better than trying to keep a W and convolute things to come out as a victim.
white folks can also not freeze up for a moment and then continue but more elaborate this time so they can get in the last word on the matter
omg it’s the moss 🌱🤎💛