Bo Thompson

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Bo Thompson

Retired Educator / Learning Scientist
Solo Game Developer
Pixel Artist
Worked on a bunch of JRPGs back in the day
Male presenting NB
Pronouns: Nobody/Nothing/None - any if you must
Avatar alt: Pixel art portrait of a Black person with glasses and pink hair
People love repeating I Have a Dream, but it's really the Letter from a Birmingham Jail that I find myself tapping the sign over and over for folks. MLK had deep, meaningful thoughts that apply today and the strongest ones I think came up in that letter.
White folks, if you ever feel the urge to bring up the Civil Rights Act in a conversation or debate involving a Black person I implore you: Think twice. You likely haven't studied that era as well as you think you have, and preconceptions and biases you don't even realize you carry will emerge.
When folks talk about the US devolving into lawlessness if the Democrats match Republican strategies, I don't know how to take that seriously. If you're law-abiding and someone else isn't, that won't stop them from criminally victimizing you. Lawful behavior is no safeguard from lawless behavior.
The inside out characters in my head
The inside out characters in my head
The most darkly comedic part about the idea that there's full sexual assault insurance coverage for churches is that it means the insurance company is prepared to take better care of the church than the church does its parishoners.
Drop the most powerful picture in your gallery with zero explanation
drop the most powerful image in your gallery with zero explanation
I feel sorry for cultural orphans who struggle to understand why certain activities or trends are an issue because they've never inherited anything beyond a last name and a family medical history.
The reason it burns going down is because it's true.
I do hope someone pulled Liz Truss aside and let her know "Chin up, dear. At least this time you outlasted the ruffage."
Yes, the Pope excommunicated him for basically opposing his papal stance on same-sex marriage, pro-immigration, and anti-capitalism but that stance is largely marketing, something we know because he's had to apologize TWICE after it leaked he used the Italian word for "faggot" in closed meetings.
The only US value that I know will consistent leap out of me is rebellion against assumed authority over personal liberty. 99% of the time I'm like "sure, I've lived in the US most my life but it's meh..." but then someone says "It's Sir to you" and my eyes narrow as I utter "No Gods nor Masters."
Reposted byAvatar Bo Thompson
Reupping this so you can admire Max again.
Witch King is coming out in paperback from Tordotcom on July 9! Cover art by Cynthia Sheppard.
It's weird when folks from marginalized groups use economic arguments for why mis/under-representing marginalized identities in media is permissible. The economic argument is almost always the conservative argument because it's built in current data and it was almost always weaponized against us.
(1/3) I want to bring this post back and discuss how the Diary of a Scribe shows us rare glimpses into the nooks and crannies of Sumeria through the life of a Sumerian scribe student. Within, we learn so much from offhand statements made by the student as he recounts and grumbles about his life.
Yes! A famous example of this is the Sumerian School Days, Edubba A which appears to have been a poem written to complain about the unfairness student faced but which was later incorporated as reading into Sumerian scribe classes.🤣
Schooldays: Sumerian Satire & the Scribal Schooldays (c. 2000 BCE) is a Sumerian poem describing the daily life of a young scribe in the schools of Mesopotamia. The work takes the form of a first-person narration and dialogue in relating the....
On the one hand Ted Cruz falling behind in his Senate election polls does make me happy. On the other, the poll was a whopping 600 voters so it's about as good as reading tea leaves. On the third hand, Ted Cruz is still among us so even if the poll is right, things could be better.
At this point if Kendrick Lamar was willing to campaign manage Kamala Harris I'd say she'd win by a landslide.
It's SO WEIRD to me when folks see news involving Abigail Disney and automatically truncate that to talking about "Disney" - Bestie, if you don't know anything about Abigail Disney, you should know she's a ride-or-die international philanthropist documentarian who LOUDLY criticizes Disney Co.
There's something so soul satisfying about hearing Alicia Keys auditioned 3 times for Tiana in the Princess and the Frog and didn't get the part and that Beyonce refused to audition because she thought she was an automatic offer. As much as I don't love the movie, Anika Noni Rose was great.
My favorite part of this tweet is how he manages to skip a number of women who have been floated including the VP for someone with a dramatically different platform, vanishingly small support, and massive issues but has the virtue of being a typical White man from a kingmaking family.🙄
the latest Snowden leak: his brain from his ears
I love the idea that a bunch of the DNC has doubts about Biden now. Gosh guys, it's not like we've had five years to think about if his age was a problem or discuss the many administrative reasons to replace him... If only we had some opportunities to consider other alternatives...
The way I imagine a MrBeast court case of this going fascinates me. Odds are good someone will die of water poisoning... but water itself isn't something we'd recognize as a poisonous substance and all the adults consented. Even if you trusted the courts, how do you weigh liability?
We asked five candidates to drink fifty gallons of water as fast as possible for the chance to win a $20 million dollar PAC
I love Kowloon so much despite the many dark parts of its history and meaning and I think more games should recreate it both because new generations should experience it as a world wonder lost and because it'd just work amazingly well for many genres. Soulslikes? Metroidvanias? Simulations? Perfect.
Artist Hitomi Terasawa drew a meticulous cross-sectioned rendering of Hong Kong's infamous Kowloon Walled City before it was razed in 1994. Now we have rare scans revealing the inner workings of the labyrinth-like metropolis.
The currently pitched idea of a Crazy Taxi sequel that's a MMO basically boils down to Battle Royale : Taxi Edition. I kinda love it.
I need to develop a tool that blocks folks on a platform if they post a reaction comment to an announcement faster than a human being could process the announcement. I feel like if you can't be bothered to read, listen, or watch the announcement before forming an opinion, you are not my people.