Jason Lee Jones

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Jason Lee Jones


"I know that I know nothing"
Right now, the leaders of the Biden-Must-Go narrative still say the Right is poised to win. So I guess it is good you didn't hear the analysis I've been hearing all week (and, again, still on the NYT homepage). Yes, there was a way to win, but even France24 is stunned the Left Alliance crushed it.
BLAST. The NY Times changed the headline as soon as I posted that screenshot. Still Negative Nancy's....
Happy Independence Day 2024: We are all redcoats now! 🇬🇧
The liberal media. With friends like these 😧
Mr. Lafont is pulling in Jason Lee Jones levels of political support right now. It's strangely comforting to see I am not alone.
San Francisco has survived having Donald Trump in town - apparently his first visit to the City in more than a decade. He was in Pacific Heights for a fundraiser with tech elites - many from the cryptocurrency world. He sure does love his elites.
If Putin is such a pal, why is Trump letting Gershkovich languish in a Russian prison through to November (or forever if Trump loses)? If Trump has such leverage, shouldn't he be demanding of his buddy to release Gershkovich now?
Everyone - and I do mean everyone - today say the Trump economy was great, collectively memory-holing his final year in office. "Everyone" includes the "liberal" media, such as your own publication. See: www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archiv...
Annie Lowrey is a writer I like. But she's married to Ezra Klein, and from his serious affliction, she must also be developing "New York Times Brain" with symptoms like memory-holing the entire calendar year of 2020, If even liberals say the Trump economy was great, Biden doesn't stand a chance.
Today I walked through yet another damn protest. A bit unique, though, as this one was made entirely of cops. I think they were chanting something about "OCP" but I have no idea what that means.
What is the goal of the press here? Is their objective to help Trump supporters hunt down and kill jurors? Why are they lamenting these barriers? Do we, the public, demand to know everything, much less anything, about the jurors? Other than the press and Trump, who wants to know?
The SF Chronicle is leading with something from their food section. So whatever they did in the protest wasn't a big enough deal for the local paper to think much of it, hence why I'm wondering where Alito get's his news.
Look how close the French army got to Buckingham Palace today! They've never been so close. Just a few more feet, guys. Napoleon would be proud.
The full headline is "Judge McAfee FREAKS OUT After DISBARRED & REMOVED from Trump Case LIVE On-Air." 115k views in 1 day? How could anyone watch this blatant crap? It obviously DIDN'T HAPPEN. Is this a deliberate effort on the part of viewers to knowingly be lied to and disinformed?
Well shit. The Oakland Athletics shall be no more at the end of this season. Today they announced they will move to Sacramento for the 2025 season, and play there however many years it takes before a new ballpark is built in Las Vegas. OKLND just won't be the same without the A's.
Four years ago, when American was great.
This baseball fanatic in San Francisco can't help but notice a few teams are missing from the list of teams near me.
I spend ONE DAY off the campaign trail - all day, 5:30AM to 10:30PM - so yeah, ONE DAY, and you guys go off and do this shit. Prop E got 60% of the vote! You FOOLS! 😭
For those wondering, this was, for lack of a better word, "my" precinct yesterday - or where I was assigned as polling inspector. And yes, it includes the painted ladies.
Ugh. This is so gaudy. And I swear, that bird shit stain gets bigger and bigger every season.
Yeah. Joe Biden and the Democratic Party made Trump rape someone. The rape victim holding her rapist responsible is an attack on Republicans.
Biden should arrest him, strip him of citizenship, and deport him to Yemen. It'll be interesting to see how his supporters and GOP allies turn on his "presidential immunity" argument. On the plus side, maybe his genius negotiating skills will lead to the end of the Houthis an their civil war?
Final total for the second ballot, and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) did worse than he did the first time, and worse than former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) ever did across 15 ballots. Methinks Jordan is toast. But if they keep trying, maybe they'll eventually do the wrong thing. We'll see.
Defeated. It's always good to see Jim Jordan (R-OH) lose, in any context.
I hate YouTube. It's always trying to make a tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy loon from literally any subject. The algorithm: "What? The overt Nazi stuff didn't work? Well, he's a baseball fan, so I'll try to get him this way!"
Darn near every framed photo on the wall in Jen Psaki's office is askew, and given it is just about all of them, I am left thinking it must be intentional - sort of a nefarious plan to drive nuts folks like me 😬