
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Electronic Frontier Foundation
We're the Electronic Frontier Foundation. We're a nonprofit that fights for your privacy and free speech online.
Stephen F. Knott
Stephen F. Knott
Author and Professor
Alexander S. Vindman
Alexander S. Vindman
Dad. Spouse to @natsechobbyist. Vet. NYT Best-selling Author. Ex NSC/WH Staff. Senior Advisor @votevets. Dr. & Senior Fellow, FPI SAIS, JHU. Hauser Leader, HKS.
Catherine Rampell
Catherine Rampell
Washington Post op-ed columnist, CNN econ/politics commentator, PBS NewsHour special correspondent. Former theater critic, current theater enthusiast.
Jessica Berlin
Jessica Berlin
Security & geopolitics | Past work & life in 🇦🇫🇨🇳🇲🇲🇷🇼🇬🇧🇺🇸 | Capital Germany 40under40 | ☕ | Don’t just get mad, get busy
Anna Bower
Anna Bower
Writing about legal happenings for with a focus on the Fulton County, Georgia criminal investigation into 2020 election interference.
Chris Hayes
Chris Hayes
Bronx boy. Cubs fan. Dad, husband, writer, podcaster and cable news host.
Lauren L. Wheeler
Lauren L. Wheeler
Poet, drummer, habitual tech infiltrator and gadfly, mama. Author, IN BETWEEN PLACES (Nomadic Press 2022).
Country music singer / songs making music for gay cowboys, queer witches, and all kinds of cowfolks. Raised rural dreaming of the city, living city dreaming of the country. Don’t yuck anyone else’s yum and we’re good.
Director of Cybersecurity @EFF / Co-founder of @stopstalkerware/ These posts are my own, not my employers’ / I did a TED talk once
Miss Kae Oz
Miss Kae Oz
Whitney Moses
Whitney Moses
Daniel Tuttle🌵
Daniel Tuttle🌵
I run Bottle Imp, an independent record label. I raise chickens. he/him. I make music as Life Toward Twilight. Stroke survivor.

I post photos of my day-to-day life and discuss music stuff

P.S. I try to Alt tag, but had a stroke
Phillips OBrien
Phillips OBrien
Professor of Strategic Studies, Author, Lover of Sicily
Gary McCoy 🏳️‍🌈
Gary McCoy 🏳️‍🌈
VP of Policy @ HealthRIGHT 360; VP of Comms @ Harvey Milk LGBTQ Dems; Immediate Past Co-Chair @ Alice B Toklas LGBTQ Dems; Team Pelosi

Harm reduction kept me alive for many years, and ultimately led me to over 13 years abstinent (and counting).
Kate Klonick
Kate Klonick
Law professor & journalist researching internet law, online speech governance, AI.
Quinta Jurecic
Quinta Jurecic
I write about law, democracy, and the internet. I'm a senior editor at Lawfare, a fellow at the Brookings Institution, and a contributing writer at The Atlantic and the Washington Post's Book World. It's KWIN-ta.
Kara Swisher
Kara Swisher
Here to annoy @jack
Stephen Colbert
Stephen Colbert
Evie’s husband
Dahlia Lithwick
Dahlia Lithwick
Lois Lane for the courts and broken tigger
Slate, Amicus, MSNBC, NYT bestseller Lady Justice
Jelani Cobb
Jelani Cobb
your new neighbor from your old neighborhood. dean. writer. left-hander & occasional photographer. known to frequent the new yorker and columbia journalism school.
Straight-shooting information and analysis at the intersection of national security, law, and policy.
David Priess
David Priess
Former CIA & State Dept. Now Director of Intelligence, Bedrock Knowledge; Senior Fellow, Hayden Ctr for Intelligence; co-host Chatter podcast.

Wrote The President’s Book of Secrets & How To Get Rid of a President.

Duke polisci (IR) PhD. Still learning.
Pete Strzok
Pete Strzok
26 year FBI and Army veteran. Georgetown School of Foreign Service adjunct professor and alum. NYT/WP bestseller: Compromised
Kori Schake
Kori Schake
Leads AEI’s foreign and defense team, author of Safe Passage, contributing writer at The Atlantic.
Coverage of January 6 and other legal investigations. An American-Irish in Ireland.

Legendary potty mouth!
Ken White, criminal defense attorney and First Amendment litigator. Co-host of Serious Trouble podcast and writer at The Popehat Report.
Adam Serwer
Adam Serwer
daniel jones 🌁
daniel jones 🌁
bartender. tarot collector. anti-zionist.
Benjamin Wittes
Benjamin Wittes
Editor in Chief, Lawfare
Senior Fellow, Brookings
Author, #DogShirtDaily
Деякі люди грають у теніс. Деякі колекціонують марки. Я переслідую російських дипломатів.
Tom Nichols
Tom Nichols
Staff writer at The Atlantic. Curmudgeon. Cat guy. Democracy enthusiast, defender of experts. Actor for a day on Succession, Jeopardy champ.
End of list.