
Worlds going to hell but a ray of sunshine is that the Tories got obliterated in England and there’s going to be so many pictures of little fancy guys in bowties crying that it’s going to make us all feel better
I love how Americans in 1776 were like "check this shit out" and made a super racist "democracy" and we've been crowing about it ever since. Meanwhile, Britain was like "a'ight", made a better democracy, freed the slaves 10 years earlier without a war, and created universal healthcare.
There are some omissions in your overview of British history.
Oh shit, I forgot to include hundreds of thousands of hours of notable history in my 200-something character joke post regarding systems of government, as described in extreme abstract. Thanks man! You're a hero among mortals.
Man, I just realized you added alt descriptions to three different photos, and I just can't imagine being so blind to humor, and so dedicated to being pedantic, that I'd do that. Probably by the second photo I'd realize "wait, I'm an idiot".
Alt text is good in any situation
You managed to get far past "Britain made a better democracy" without even a whiff of the "Wait, I'm an idiot" thought. What's your secret? Or is "I'm an idiot" the joke in your humorous post?
Imma let you in on a secret: I don't know what you're going for here. You don't make any clear statement or assertion, just a mangled regurgitation of what I said that appears to be an idiots attempt at "I'm rubber you're glue". This place has got the juice though* *humorless pedantic idiots