
the federalist has 166 readers lmao
what happened? is this all the effect of trump having lost?
Facebook has become unuseable and it was funnelling clicks to these places by the 100,000s
and in some cases ways that were obviously clear violations of Facebook rules, like DailyWire was getting a million hits from thousands of nominally independent facebook groups that were doing coordinated posts and shares on their articles.
so did zuck stop that or what? i’m just wondering if there’s an explainer showing facebook traffic cratering, facebook not promoting these pages in favor of Jesus AI pics, etc
I don't have a specific explainer but I've been reading recently that Facebook has become much more aggressive about downplaying links that go off site, and also that it's been full of sort of really weird artifacts of its algorithm that are cramming up feeds -- not necessarily AI stuff
like if I attempt to read Facebook now, half the posts things like this screen shot — Tiffany is not someone I know nor do I think they know me. Why is Facebook telling me that they suggested it? Just really weird.
yeah I've found Ryan Broderick at Garbage Day, who periodically takes dives into particular weird viral events that are going on on the internet, particularly interesting on this score
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