
sorry but this is just wrong. yes, there’s a bad faith media feeding frenzy. but *fifty million* people watched Biden sputter his way through that debate. it is not a creation of the media, it is a real problem.
I don’t like to embrace doomerism but I’m pretty sure the moment we took on this narrative as a true “concern” Biden needed to disprove, especially party leadership, we were fucked.
I don't think "we" took on anything. We're getting hammered by "questions" about Biden's viability as a candidate by every media outlet because they want to scuttle his campaign. That they're using a spoonful of truth to do it makes it extremely effective but they could just as easily do it to Trump
they absolutely could not just as easily do it to Trump
Just compare and contrast Biden's old age moments with Trump's in every article about either. Yeah, it won't change Trump's base, but it will make everyone else clear on what a malevolent pudding brain he is.
But everyone is already very clear on that. It's not a secret. Do you really feel like Trump is _under_exposed in the media?
That he is kind of vaguely strongman evil, which is the identity he wants? No, he is not. That his brain does not work at all in the same way that it worked in 2016 or 2020 is yes, very underexposed.