
Bringing back this 2016 banger: Hi! During the upheaval of your glorious revolution, I need to know what kind of healthcare you'll have in place. People who depend on steady supplies of lifesaving medication don't suddenly stop existing during a revolution.
Lots of folks working on mutual aid and developing capacity to take care of one another. Fwiw I don't think anyone sees a glorious revolution coming, but if things keep being this badly mismanaged things will fall apart on their own.
Yeah, the language of "revolution" was very December 2016-specific. The sentiment of needing to plan to support vulnerable people in practical ways including making sure folks get necessary medical care? Not so specific to that time.
To be fair, around that time is when I started my own mutual aid project and then burned out two years later, so.
I just kind of bristle at the idea that we can count on the status quo continuing to meet our needs. It never met everyone's needs, and it seems like it's trending worse, even with Dems in office. Too few of us have access to medicine already.
That wasn't my point then or now.
Also, I know not everyone has access to their necessary meds already, both inside US borders and elsewhere in the world. I think about my fear and then immediately about Disabled folks in war zones. And that... makes me really angry. And sad. And frustrated. I want this all to be better.
I live on SSI and SSDI in Indiana and most of my life is trying to figure out how to survive in government-enforced poverty. I am honestly terrified at what I see coming and the only thing consistently keeping me going is that I have to take care of my dogs.
I didn't put my whole everything in the repost of that thread because I honestly didn't expect it to get seen by so many people who don't already know me and my story and what I'm about. And if I'd written in now, some things would be said differently.
Ah, yeah. I think I misread your concerns about the tumult inherent in revolution as a distaste for 'the left'. I'm sorry.
Some of us can't be taken care of without meds which require massive, extremely expensive supply chains and extremely fancy labs. Plus institutional knowledge. Look up the manufacturing process for intravenous immunoglobulin.
I'll admit I am not a logistics/global supply chain expert, but I will take your word for it. I think we should do what we can to get more involved in these systems because lives are on the line if they falter, and the status quo is seeming more untenable every day.
A month's supply of IVIG requires somewhere between 15,000 & 50,000 plasma donations in raw materials, and the purity requirements are so high that a lot of it gets thrown out. Without it, my autoimmune lung disease would gradually suffocate me.
Fwiw I'll go donate plasma on Monday. I don't have answers on how to keep something this complicated going, but I'll do what I can to make sure it does.
Thank you. The stuff is so scarce, a lot of people who need it can't get it.
It treats a huge list of immune system issues, including some that don't have any other effective treatments.
There's a class divide in who gets it, too. It's only given out as a last resort as a rule, which means people with solid diagnoses of things that are often very hard to get diagnosed. If it was less scarce, it wouldn't be as difficult.