
"Kill your darlings" only applies if you're holding onto something that actually hurts your story. But jerks sometimes use "kill your darlings" as a weapon to try to break you. Don't wantonly kill what you love the most about your story. That's why you're writing it. Make it work.
if u see this, quote-post with your tips for writers that no one gives anymore because they seem obvious (even though they're not)
lately iā€™ve been seeing a ton of people *aggressively* failing to understand that ā€œkill your darlingsā€ is specifically about like.. that scene you really like that doesnā€™t actually add anything, ruins the flow, etc.. and sometimes you canā€™t keep *every* joke, even if theyā€™re all funny!
Yes! That ā€œI love this exchange but it doesnā€™t fit in where the conversation is goingā€ or ā€œthis scene is delightful but itā€™s bringing the story momentum to a standstillā€. You love it, but it needs to go DESPITE your love, not because of it.
i saw someone recently trying to argue that KYD was bad because ā€œnot every likeable character should have to die to make a story good and actually itā€™s too similar to bury your gays and fridging womenā€ and i was like ?????
Gonna hope thatā€™s some top-tier trolling
Iā€™ve seen some WILD misunderstandings of ā€œkill your darlingsā€ Like to the point of people thinking that you have to remove ANYTHING in your story that youā€™re actually pleased with. No fun allowed!
Iā€™ve seen people think it means literally kill your most well liked character lol another one in the minus column for media literacy
This makes me so sad, because thereā€™s nothing that motivates writing quite like self indulgence. Why deny yourself the most enjoyable part of writing, especially if youā€™re writing a doorstopper of a novel?
When I was editing my novelette, I had to kill two darling scenes, not because they didn't work, but because I had to take the story in a different direction. I mourned them and then I wrote their replacements ... which I loved even more fiercely that the ones I'd killed. I've held onto that lesson.
When I wrote my thesis, I had a document called Graveyard of Murdered Darlings where I put all the genius parts that just didn't fit. It felt good to keep them and eventually forget them. RIP
I say toss em out for folks to enjoy. A fun vignette is like a bowl of nachos. Not much nourishment, but it makes some really old parts of your brain light up.
On KYD: I think Terry Gilliam`s movies suffer a bit from him being an overly self-endulgent storyteller, who just can`t get out of his own way. Every movie of his is like the Swedish ship "Gustav Wasa" - so overly ornate, and poorly trimmed, that it capsizes immediately upon deployment.