
"Kill your darlings" only applies if you're holding onto something that actually hurts your story. But jerks sometimes use "kill your darlings" as a weapon to try to break you. Don't wantonly kill what you love the most about your story. That's why you're writing it. Make it work.
if u see this, quote-post with your tips for writers that no one gives anymore because they seem obvious (even though they're not)
lately i’ve been seeing a ton of people *aggressively* failing to understand that “kill your darlings” is specifically about like.. that scene you really like that doesn’t actually add anything, ruins the flow, etc.. and sometimes you can’t keep *every* joke, even if they’re all funny!
Yes! That “I love this exchange but it doesn’t fit in where the conversation is going” or “this scene is delightful but it’s bringing the story momentum to a standstill”. You love it, but it needs to go DESPITE your love, not because of it.
i saw someone recently trying to argue that KYD was bad because “not every likeable character should have to die to make a story good and actually it’s too similar to bury your gays and fridging women” and i was like ?????
Gonna hope that’s some top-tier trolling