
"The story" is that his opponent is a rapist criminal fascist who lies constantly, and yes, the press missed it.
Joe Biden is old, has been for quite a while. Old guys get tired, especially at 9pm and shouldn’t be debating. Nobody who has had an older relative is surprised. The real story is that incoherant batshittery spaced by Mussolini poses that Trump spewed. Marry that to the immunity ruling and …
What is a surprise is the freakout over an uninspiring performance. I watched the whole debate & thought it was bad, but only in 'missed opportunity' territory. I have no freaking idea how people are walking away from that 90 minutes thinking the man can't tie his shoes or something.
What is this garbage? This is yet another article that starts with a conclusion then shops for quotes to match. I don’t care what a former NYT editor thinks about this
As of 2019. All the sexual assault allegations against Donald Trump, recapped.
Seems very clear now that Biden's family and the WH covered up Biden's deteriorating cognitive abilities over the past few years. He seems to have aged 10 years in just 4. Biden has to drop out immediately if the Dems have any chance of winning in November.
Old guy is old! SCOOP OF THE CENTURY!!!! JFC.