
It's stuff like this that makes me think Biden is going to win reelection, deeply shocking a media establishment that's been trying to tank his presidency since he pulled troops out of Afghanistan
NYT: Biden “facing significant opposition,” 78-16. Trump “again coasting,” 65-31.
They're still so mad about it
Some of you are mixing up "is" with "ought" again. Biden is in a stronger position than media coverage would have you believe vs. Biden ought to win. Which one am I saying?
Those clowns don’t want to admit no matter who the president was. That ending was non avoidable. I respect Biden for falling through with it.
It actually turned out pretty well. If a single paper cut had happened along with the loss of a truckload of MREs, some media would have screamed about what a disaster it had been. That was baked in.
Yes I agree. I just wish we didn’t have to get involved with everything else since.
It had been 20 years, another year or 10 wasn't going to change it.
You say that but the money would continue to add up
And also it was political pressure that pushed Biden to act quickly.
Also the commitment about the date had been made by Trump, and Biden was concerned with restoring faith in the US ability to honor it's commitments.
Yes! I mentioned underneath the political pressure. This is what I had meant.
*"following through with it."
My bad I wasn’t paying attention last night.
Strange they're still so angry about it when they've been ignoring Afghanistan since 2015.
His approval turned negative on the day Kabul fell. Never recovered. We Americans like wars, as long as we do not lose too many soldiers in a day.
Weird how democrats omit the war crimes we committed on the way out the door, and the subsequent one week coverup
I was talking about pancakes and you're bringing up waffles. Goodbye.
are you under the misapprehension that we were not committing war crimes and covering them up in Afghanistan on a regular basis over the course of twenty years
The funniest outcome is Biden easily winning reelection despite increasingly dire media predictions, causing a Dewey Beats Truman moment on the NYT homepage
The NYT needle of death sliding ever Trump-ward as Biden racks up 300+ EVs.
It is, but even discounting 2016, the NYT put its fat institutional ass on the scale for Eric Adams and now leprechauns live in fear of being put on the grill.
They were appalled they couldn’t do it in the midterms so they’re turning it up to 11
The disappointment the cable news pundits felt that the red wave of 22 turned out to be a red trickle was very palpable
Listen to Michigan launched Feb. 6. In 21 days, they managed to mobilize an army of volunteers on a shoestring budget to pull double-digit percentage points from Biden. The NYTimes framing sucks, but this campaign hit their goal—and that's a win for all grassroots efforts.
It's impressive but the baseline isn't zero, so I don't know that it's double digits. Maybe 8%?
Eventual headline: "Biden Wins Shocking Upset, 54 -43"
Hard agree. Remember how unpopular W was? And then he swamped Kerry? This is the same kind of election.
He was actually around 50% at this time, and stayed there until after the second inauguration. Probably the last time any president will be over 50 for any amount of time.
Pretty much. They might be above 50% for their first year or so but that's about it.
National abortion ban on the ballot ruins every single narrative they construct
I've been trolling Nixon's ghost by arguing we're in a new "Silent Majority" era, with a broad group of people sick of Trump and voting Dem, despite Herrenvolk-ish media narratives and attention grabbers on the right
I haven’t seen a good explanation as to what the media establishment gets out of going all out against Biden
Drama. He's been a pretty scandal-free president. They blew up Obama over minor stuff for the same reason
Nobody clicks on "Plane Lands Safely."
Feels a likely win so long as his team continues 'don't say too much-ing'. Trump has a more engaged voter block, but won't be enough to win having alienated so many trad-GOP. 3rd parties less a factor this cycle with LP broken and no Green energy; May-July primaries will be telling
It's b/c no one believes 30% of the GOP is going to sit out the election or defect from the GOP, but a good chance a large portion of that 15% uncommitted could sit out if Biden doesn't change course.
There’s no business filled with more broke self-loathing Chapo Trap House wannabes than mainstream news outlet journalists. Gotta hate those forgiven loans y’all wasted at Columbia
I'm sure you're the expert. Me, I'm just a never-been-to-JSchool, retired after 47 years journalist. And last I checked, I was no more filled with self-loathing than the average Irish Catholic.
And you would never be among the freelance gig economy anger machine as a result
Biden trails Trump by an average of 2.6% in Michigan
We have 935,564 news cycles between now and November. Unless one of the two stroke out between now and Nov, it's going to be a slim victory for someone in Nov.
I moved to Oklahoma in 2021. Lots of Trump signs were still up in yards then. The signs slowly disappeared over the past couple of years. There are not many back up today. Trump will still win here, but a lack of enthusiasm from rural Oklahomans is a big sign of problems for him.
God, they hated that so much.
Yep. That was a major turning point.
I think I agree, but what makes you so confident? Trump is a uniquely terrible, repelling candidate is the best I've got. The media isn't helping, but Biden has very clear policies he can change on and win support, and he just won't, namely Palestine. I'm afraid that alone can tank him
I'm not that confident. I just don't think Biden is as doomed as the media says he is
Ok, then I think I'm right where you are, the media would have us believe he's only got a slim outside shot, and that's clearly not the case
I also don't think it’s a guarantee that a sudden shift in policy on Palestine wouldn’t lose Biden support among pro-Israel Democrats, of which there are many. The moral stance might be clear, but the political trade-offs seem unpredictable.
I mean, a ceasefire is incredibly popular, especially among Democrats. The morals are clear and there is little to no downside politically. Meanwhile, supporting these atrocities is morally unacceptable and also clearly alienating a sizeable portion of Democratic voters