
It is also worth noting that "universal" stories appeal to zero people, because no one lives a universal life. The more specific a story is, the more we relate to it even if we have a different life, because we recognize that the story feels real
Just fold the studio into Disney and kill it already. Make Toy Story sequels till the sun fucking burns out. Love how this shift conveniently happened when more woman/POC were really pushing to direct their own stories. Defining their experiences as not "universal" is saying the quiet part aloud.
I mean speaking as someone who writes books from the POV of sapient spiders, I feel the "universal story" is considerably overrated.
When I was reading the first of the series my wife asked "what are you reading?" and I answered 'the BULLSHIT persecution of a right-thinking spider apostate". She does rather put up with a lot.
I personally relate to the deep consideration on whether or not it's uncivilized to consume males after mating.
Pizza delivery may have saved more lives than we credit it for..
I want more stories from the perspective of spiders, sentient or otherwise.
i have yet to read children of time, but hearing about it for the first time was a surreal experience, because i had already been, for a week or two prior, consumed with the thought "jumping spiders are so smart, what if we made them even smarter?"
you really do provide a superb example of this
My wife was just talking to me about reading one of your books and how much she liked the spiders.
I might actually argue that writing from the spiders' PoV makes them more (genuinely) universal, because it allows/forces the reader to find the relationship with the characters for themself, rather than have it dictated by human social constructs
As someone who writes novels from the POV of a sentient coffee machine, I agree.
I grew up on the Spider World books so count me very interested in a series about sentient spiders.
As someone whose kids are ungovernable I quite related to Fabian 😂
Wow. You’re on here. (Makes little fanboy squeaks)