
We filed our appeal in Hachette v. Internet Archive yesterday. If we are unsuccessful in our fight, libraries won’t be allowed to own and lend digital books, only license them from big media corporations. Why is that bad for YOU? 🧵in comments
Internet Archive Defends Digital Rights for Libraries | Internet Archive
Corporations spend vast amounts of money to control human behavior. Consumers need to learn to strategize. For instance, if corporations start surveilling my reading habits, I change my borrowing habits to confuse the data.
Kinda easy to do. Download the actual PDF of the book you want to read and save it onto your Google Drive (not recommended but better than keeping the file on your local system) or your own server (recommended if you are extra paranoid)
Why not locally? If I wanna download a PDF of it, I do it locally, Google tracks.
How do you download a PDF of a book locally if you don't have the original file to download said PDF of said book locally?
It's not like they don't do it to paper books too. My dad was shocked to find out the Hardy Boys books I read in the 80s weren't the same as the ones he read in the 50s.
yes but they can't go in and edit the copies you already own is the point
Enid BLyton's books have been censored too.
Poking around.. this seems like a good summary. On skimming: many reasons for changes, including extending copyright. And racism, duh. Bit from other article attached.
As long as the story remains the same, and the originals are available somewhere, I'm fine with it. See also, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Robotic Edition.
Maybe if they were sold as a whole separate edition but they are passed off as just the book as its always been.
I agree. Similar to when a recording artist creates a "radio edit" version of a song.
This is absolutely wild!!
If libraries aren’t allowed to own digital books, we can’t preserve them either. You might not be able to access your favorite digital book next week, let alone share it with your grandkids one day 🕳️
Or though cross-licensing deals deny you access entirely. See linking "Acknowledge the doctrine of first sale and private use." from 2009 blog post linked below...
"Content providers or retailers of instances of copyrighted work should not be able to hide behind "provision as a service" and/or restrictive end user licenses: when you legally acquire an instance of a particular work, you should "own" that instance". - 2009
Copyright is killing culture. Home taping might save it, actually.
Copyright is killing culture? My work is my livelihood - how do I, as a creative artist, continue to create without being paid to do so? How do I protect my works' integrity if I don't have a legal right to do so? How do I provide for my old age or incapacitation without control over my blacklist? 📚
Oh, I don't think it should be abolished, just radically curtailed. Certainly never lasting after the death of the artist, probably shorter than that; with no option of signing over all future rights, fallback to the artist if unpublished. Opinion in 1841:
Also, a right for anyone in the public to sue against people committing copyfraud against the public domain (like re-publishing a PD work under your name and asserting copyright; as often seen with sheet music).
I worked for yrs with c/right licensing & 2ndary rights collecting orgs, & served on the Council of/negotiated for the WGGB. Nat/internat legislation/rights-orgs cooperation constantly evolves. Writers' rights are constantly threatened. It's facile/unhelpful to state that c/right is killing culture.
Part of why I download everything that I believe to be even somewhat important and then I get lost in a pile of books I've been meaning to sort
I've been saying that for years. You don't own a digital book, you own a license to access a digital book, and that license can be revoked at any time.
I would also like to point out that this is the model libraries are currently forced to use which limits what we can purchase and costs more tax dollars. So switching to a library ownership model saves taxpayers as well as reducing wait times.
Fight like hell, and I hope your appeal is successful against the money-grubbing publishers.
Libraries pay for books. It's a good system, you should consider it
OK, but the reason Amazon did that was they sold an edition illegally in the wrong region. They didn't have the right to make that transaction. I'm unsure what a better solution was than revoking the sale and returning the money.
Look, I dont care about their reasons more than the NAKED EXERCISE OF THAT POWER. A normal customer shouldnt have to give a molecule of a shit when a 'sale' occurs, and we shouldnt have to all be US media rights lawyers just to participate. Also, doing it to 1984 might be Bezos' real legacy.
would a customer not give a shit if the Kindle copy of 1984 they bought turned out not to be an ebook but a pirate PDF of a scanned paper edition uploaded by fraudsters, though, which seemed to be the case here? This was so hamfisted they don't do recalls like this any more, I agree about that
That's a problem. And what's really bugging me? You brought the Move Fast and Break Things SV ethos to a very delicate situation at a very delicate time, and handed the publishers a made to order test case to thump everyone over the head with
It's bad for me because my rural library is entirely donation funded, without those books literacy goes down. Books are under enough attacks at the moment, access doesn't need to be a bigger issue than it already is for many.
Won't be long before the GOP comes after digital everything and ban them all except for their garage, it seems they don't want for people to be educated or informed about anything. They already are working on books
I'm not your brother and you can believe whatever you want, but if that's the case so are you🤟
No you are but thanks
damn apparently I'm a foreign agent, I should see about getting my paycheck
I donated 🫡 and shared on X. Good luck and thanks for fighting
Dude.... I love Libby, and I would hate for it to be hamstrung. May Hermes hear your prayer and lend his help.
Libby is owned by KKR, a private equity firm that also acquired RBMedia. So the outcome of this case is probably not going to be what kills Libby, but rather, whenever KKR decides to loot it for shareholder gains.