James Mitchell

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James Mitchell


Cat, old tech lover, and carer for library computers.
He/Him for now
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Someone in San Antonio, TX reached out to me today because she has a sweet, magical boy with FIV who desperately needs a home ASAP. In fact, he's so sweet that his name is Sweet Boy. Look at that face - he obviously just wants love! 💔 (continued with more info)
Reposted byAvatar James Mitchell
every time i see "ai powered" i can't help but see it as "we've taken the technology that makes your phone write 'duck' when you type 'fuck', and combined it with a customer service chatbot. our site is now 18 times more expensive to run, even though the humans who make it work are payed 5c an hour"
Reposted byAvatar James Mitchell
Conservatives claim that trans women are failed men. That’s a misunderstanding. The F we get is for female. 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍⚧️
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Make way, it's Manul Monday!
Reposted byAvatar James Mitchell
Reposted byAvatar James Mitchell
idk what kindhearted woman needs to hear this right now, but stop giving that man the benefit of the doubt
Reposted byAvatar James Mitchell
Macintosh PowerBook 170
Reposted byAvatar James Mitchell
In that spirit, here is a medal for an 8 I coxed that unexpectedly came in first in a race because we went in a straight line and kept rowing when the other boat stopped and went backwards.
A lesson from an old boxer, AND a guy whose been in politics, AND an attorney: If you think you're gonna lose, you're probably right. A lot of good can happen if you take a breath, put your mouthguard in, and fight.
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damn, I was hoping this was his READ poster
Daniel Craig looks like a hacker working for Hans Gruber
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Reposted byAvatar James Mitchell
So, I woke up from my nap to see we're all either freaking out or posting warnings about freaking out. I get it. But. Have you considered that instead of that, you could make a character sheet for your cat?
Lily, Neutral Good Cleric of Bast STR 8 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 10 WIS 15 CHA 12
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If your mind immediately went to Revelation 13:3, we were at the same summer camp for sure
Reposted byAvatar James Mitchell
Reposted byAvatar James Mitchell
I think the thing that makes me saddest about the past 4 yrs, if I let it, is that we were confronted w/ crux after crux, crisis after crisis, threshold after threshold, one inflection point after another where we could've been just so extravagant & glorious in our compassion, but instead did… this.
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Don McCullin, Kids on Bradford estate, 1970
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Sharks Attempt to Repair Image By Eating Their Way Through Forbes 500 List: theneedling.com/2024/06/12/s...
No truer words
There is no love greater than a Tortie who thinks you have snacks.
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Reposted byAvatar James Mitchell
aww, Shelley. A lovely and wonderful person who deserved so much better from the world and people in it. I got to be in an episode of faerie tale theater and I've always held onto that smallest connection. rest easy. variety.com/2024/film/ne...
Shelley Duvall, ‘The Shining’ and ‘Nashville’ Star, Dies at 75variety.com Shelley Duvall, who starred in Robert Altman's '3 Women' and Stanley Kubrick's 'The Shining,' has died. She was 75
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Reposted byAvatar James Mitchell
I'm pleased to announce this excellent phrase is available as an art prompt to any artist or musician that might need one.
I'm absolutely loving the mental image conjured by describing the behavior of the likes of John Roberts as "digging through the trash bins of history like racist raccoons looking for leftover oppression". Really wish I'd developed the skills to draw that.
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Reposted byAvatar James Mitchell
Whenever someone is outed as problematic, there are a billion people who need to see, in sky-writing, "you didn't know, that's ok, but now you do, act accordingly." No one expects you to be psychic or in on every whisper network, and folks inferring so aren't being fair. WHISPER networks. WHISPER.
Reposted byAvatar James Mitchell
I have now had the tables turned on the cat butts. Fairs fair I guess.
Reposted byAvatar James Mitchell
My favorite tried-and-true resistance tactic: Being Extremely Fucking Annoying.
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The only power great enough to knock this story down below the fold/scroll is the Oberlin student council. A hurricane, UK/France elections, multiple wars? No. Only a sophomore calling Israel “Greater Palestine” can draw their attention away from a debate that happened last month.
Reposted byAvatar James Mitchell
People tend to confuse “vocal” with “numerous” or “popular.” It’s the same with the Moms for Liberty shit: it’s a handful of unlikable weirdos, and that they were successful was mostly down to them going after school boards and libraries where active defenses had to be built up.
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Reposted byAvatar James Mitchell
Reading about trans issues has radicalized me from "folks should have ready access to gender-affirming care" to "it should be free and come with a commemorative coffee mug."