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I write about technology, policy, data protection & fractal complexity at Cat lover (x8), booze-appreciator, data protection nerd & constantly curious.

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Reposted byAvatar Carey
There needs to be a tick box on bsky to opt out of seeing discourse without having to mute or unfollow people. Gone from not knowing what happened to now knowing but just feeling fucking depressed about it.
In the world of privacy and data protection, user consent is actually wildly inappropriate for a whole load of use-cases. Similarly, folks who claim that people should 'own' their data usually have no idea wtf they're talking about.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
Reposted byAvatar Carey
This is almost an unbelievably efficient dollar-to-benefit payoff for free menstrual products
In Ireland (or at least in Dublin) there are terms you use to refer to men/women who are being referenced, but not directly. For example, if you're talking about an actor/actress or a person doing something nearby, you'd say 'you know, yer man over there' or 'yer wan/woman in Aliens' or whatever.
quote this post with a fun word you know that other people might not know. can be in any language
Reposted byAvatar Carey
🥂 sad high five of membership in the worst club in the world, friend
Reposted byAvatar Carey
T&S in a federated protocol is an entirely new challenge. ActivityPub (Mastodon et al) has dealt with it by devolving the responsibility entirely onto the individuals running individual nodes of the network. That approach has been, to put it charitably, a fucking disaster.
Reposted byAvatar Carey
If you have read my posts for any length of time, you will know the one thing I repeatedly harp on is that this job fucking sucks. I have done it for 22 years. It fucking sucks. Everything that people think is simple and clear-cut actually has a million nuances and exceptions.
Couldn't happen to a bigger piece of human garbage. He already has to sell all his personal assets (minus his home). Here's to hoping the judge extends it to Infowars and his shitty media company. I hope he continues to suffer for a long, long time.
“Jones' influential Infowars show and website could be shut down by the end of the day, and his personal belongings — from his gun collection to his jewelry — could soon be auctioned to the highest bidder in something of a fire sale.”
Alex Jones faces day of reckoning over what he owes Sandy Hook A judge is expected to tell Jones to sell off assets. But the families are likely to get only a tiny fraction of the nearly $1.5 billion in damages Jones owes for lies about the 2012 school shooting.
Oh very much this. At least for me.
Writers like to say things like "The idea just popped into my head fully fleshed out and ready to go" but that isn't the truth. We dwell on the initial idea for so long that we get mentally congested and have to get it down on paper so our brains can breathe again.
Reposted byAvatar Carey
I'll say it again, this has all the hallmarks of a marketing whiteboard session result that got out of hand. They told everyone for years that Macs on ARM are rubbish compared to Wintel, now they need a hook to switch, they didn't do the deep work on this, and here we are. That's so stupid.
Good. May it quietly (or Even better, publicly) die as a cautionary tale to product teams everywhere to either involve privacy and security teams directly (and early!) in the project, or to actually listen to them when they tell you exactly how and why the thing is very bad/unlawful/abusable.
This is terrible news.
NEWS: After sustained attacks from House Republicans, the Stanford Internet Observatory is being dismantled. A huge blow to academic freedom and our ability to understand platforms and influence operations
Reposted byAvatar Carey
Also, I'm really sad I didn't create a data protection authority bingo card. There's always next year.
I realise, attending the Privacy Symposium in Venice, that I will never be a regulator, because to do so would require me to speak about 'collaboration', 'AI', 'engagement', and 'privacy' and impart absolutely no substance when doing so. So much empty air.
Word of advice: never try being sober with a table full of Germans. Even the strongest of wills is likely to crumble.
Reposted byAvatar Carey
You've already shared more than I had any right to ask, but if you have the time and inclination, I'm more than willing to read through them. I love a good impassioned speech from someone dedicated to the topic at hand!
I realise, attending the Privacy Symposium in Venice, that I will never be a regulator, because to do so would require me to speak about 'collaboration', 'AI', 'engagement', and 'privacy' and impart absolutely no substance when doing so. So much empty air.
I wrote a piece on how we're trying to apply laws that were created for deterministic systems like databases and filing systems, to non-deterministic LLMs and why that's a problem:
Predictable Law, Unpredictable Part 1 in a multi-part series on the problems of deterministic laws in an increasingly non-deterministic world.
Reposted byAvatar Carey
Cities can be easy/fast to drive cars through or they can be safe/pleasant to be in but they absolutely cannot be both at the same time
Oh man, when the elderly King with cancer does his duty and Sunak can't be arsed because he'd rather be campaigning, and then the royals call him out ... Clearly, Sunak is politically dead. I can't even see most Tories supporting this.
so the royal aides have told the Times - and this is a pretty big breach - that "Buckingham Palace" (implicitly the King as well as staff) is furious about Sunak's D-Day debacle, because the King is in pain from cancer and was advised not to travel but _he_ went for the whole thing anyway.
Reposted byAvatar Carey
It’s like if Google Drive had a head injury. AndGoogle Drive is already pretty crap, so…
Deeply frustrated today. My husband and I both applied for citizenship, and while he was approved mine appears to have been lost entirely. I'm happy for him, but frustrated since he doesn't really care and I was the one pushing and trying to make things happen. I feel like I wasted so much time.
Reposted byAvatar Carey
For those who haven't been following me for a while: that's the DMCA designated agent directory at, and registering a DMCA designated agent with the copyright office is literally the first thing any UGC service shoukd do after incorporating their legal entity.
Search Result | DMCA Designated Agent Online Service Provider (OSP) Designation of agents
Reposted byAvatar Carey
Quick roundup documenting "evaluations of services people have asked me for my opinion on in the last few days": 1. The Adobe ToS change is completely normal, non-sinister, and nothing in the change enables anything that was not already there; it's actually very reasonably scoped for a rights grant
Reposted byAvatar Carey
Everything is bad but also in the past seven days: ✅ Donald Trump became a convicted felon ✅ Steve Bannon had his bail revoked and must go to jail ✅Alex Jones was forced to liquidate his assets to pay Sandy Hook families. We’re on a little bit of a heater so let’s enjoy it for once.
Reposted byAvatar Carey
Everyone needs an editor