Arend Bayer

Arend Bayer

Mathematician @ University of Edinburgh.
Most math papers contain several mistakes. But almost all of them don't matter much because the correction wouldn't affect the main results.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
Reposted by Arend Bayer
I know others have already said this, but universities deploying law enforcement against their own students for expressing opinions about the world is such a fundamental betrayal of the university's mission and very reason for existing.
This talk by Daniel Kahnemann is one of my favourite things I have read in the last year. It's about adversarial collaborations, but really much more: how science works, or doesn't, and how people change their mind (spoiler: usually not).
Adversarial Collaboration: An EDGE Lecture by Daniel Kahneman |
Reposted by Arend Bayer
“I turn on Fox News, and institutions like mine are being described as these factories of indoctrination,” says Penn education professor Jonathan Zimmerman. “Let me put it this way: If half of my students are going to Wall Street, I’m a pretty shitty Marxist.”
How Did Penn Get Here? Liz Magill was the first Ivy League president felled by the turmoil over campus antisemitism. But our city’s most important institution hasn’t just been rocked by free-speech woes. It faces an eve...
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