Joseph Mead

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Joseph Mead

Work at Georgetown Law/Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection. Civil procedure and constitutional/admin law nerd. I also have other characteristics.

Contact: [email protected]
Here's another problem with Judge Cannon's opinion: she treats the Supreme Court's reasoning in US v. Nixon as dictum. Assuming that's right (which is debatable), in the 11th Circuit, it doesn't matter--Supreme Court dicta is binding. E.g., Henderson v. McMurray, 987 F.3d 997, 1006 (11th Cir. 2021).
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Judge Cannon went and did it. She has dismissed the stolen documents case against Trump on Clarence Thomas’s (nonsense) appointments clause rationale.
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Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.
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BREAKING: Federal court issues preliminary injunction, barring enforcement of Georgia's restrictions on charitable bail funds for the pendency of the litigation. The Court finds Plaintiffs are likely to succeed on both their vagueness and First Amendment theories.
NEW: Georgia's SB 63 tries to shut down charitable bail funds, turning Plaintiffs' charitable, religious, and expressive conduct into a crime. This is unconstitutional. We're suing, and asking the court to stop the law before it goes into effect on July 1.
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Your Honor, at the time I sincerely believed I was the President of the United States
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NEW: A Louisiana federal judge has found that civil-rights activist DeRay Mckesson is not legally responsible for injuries inflicted by someone else at a protest he was alleged to have organized OPINION: CASE FILE:
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Catching up on a lot of Chevron bad takes today. Some of your admin law professors have much to answer for.
I couldn't process yesterday's Grants Pass decision until today because I was in Court. My personal comments: I am devastated, personally. I am angry. But I'm also proud to have been part of a team that fought so hard for the cause of justice. This is a tough loss but the fight will 100% continue.
The judge has temporarily enjoined the law, finding that we’re likely to succeed on some of our constitutional arguments.
NEW: Georgia's SB 63 tries to shut down charitable bail funds, turning Plaintiffs' charitable, religious, and expressive conduct into a crime. This is unconstitutional. We're suing, and asking the court to stop the law before it goes into effect on July 1.
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Sotomayor writes the dissent. "I remain hopeful that someday in the near future, this Court will play its role in safeguarding constitutional liberties for the most vulnerable among us. Because the Court today abdicates that role, I respectfully dissent.
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NEW: Georgia's SB 63 tries to shut down charitable bail funds, turning Plaintiffs' charitable, religious, and expressive conduct into a crime. This is unconstitutional. We're suing, and asking the court to stop the law before it goes into effect on July 1.
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We've officially filed our lawsuit to block Louisiana's new law requiring public schools to post a state-approved version of the Ten Commandments in every classroom.
Clergy, Public-School Parents Sue to Block Louisiana Law Requiring Public Schools to Display the Ten Commandments | American Civil Liberties
NEW: Georgia's SB 63 tries to shut down charitable bail funds, turning Plaintiffs' charitable, religious, and expressive conduct into a crime. This is unconstitutional. We're suing, and asking the court to stop the law before it goes into effect on July 1.
OTD in 1977, the IRS issued its final decision denying tax-exempt status to newspaper Big Mama Rag. Among its reasoning: it was not educational because it "promot[ed] lesbianism." The D.C. Circuit reversed the denial, setting an important precedent on the 1A rights of nonprofits. 631 F.2d 1030.
Tomorrow morning, I'll have some news to share about an important case we filed over the weekend. Stay tuned!
Had a great time facilitating a Supreme Court Summer Institute session on constitutional litigation in the Supreme Court. Thanks to Street Law and the Supreme Court Historical Society for the invitation! Great to work with teachers from around the country who want to work law into their curriculum.
Honored to spend the morning with the Administrative Conference of the United States, discussing my research and recommendations regarding choice of forum for judicial review of agency rulemaking. They accepted 2 out of 3 of the recommendations, which ain't bad.
On June 10, 1966, Sierra Club ran this ad. The local member of Congress was mad! Within days -- on June 13 -- the IRS revoked the Sierra Club's 501(c)(3) status. It never regained its status.
On a call with many other lawyers I caught myself invoking experience "I've done this x times and..." and I had to stop myself, apologize, and then curl up into the fetal position because I've become everything I hate.
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A federal judge strikes down NY's ban on handing out food and drink to voters at polling places, finding that this is expressive conduct protected by the First Amendment, conveying the importance of voting. (She also finds the law too vague under 14A.)
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Texas AG Ken Paxton Using Consumer Protection Laws to Pursue Political Targets Paxton has repeatedly used laws that are meant to protect people from fraudulent or deceptive practices to pursue entities he disagrees with politically, including hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and LGBTQ+ groups.
Texas’ Attorney General Is Increasingly Using Consumer Protection Laws to Pursue Political Ken Paxton has repeatedly used laws that are supposed to protect people from fraudulent or deceptive practices to pursue entities he disagrees with politically, including hospitals, pharmaceutical com...
If this is all there is to the story then, yeah, pretty egregious violation of academic freedom here. Not a close call even.
various people are getting pretty far out over their skis on this article. there are a few particular things I think people should be aware of here:
Adjunct professor fired by DePaul after optional assignment about The optional assignment asked for scientific analysis and critical thinking to understand "the impacts of genocide on human biology."
They grow up so fast. The baby dove flew for the first time. Now begging for food from parents, who are ignoring him.
Our doves hatched a chick. Meet the newest member of our family. Name suggestions welcome.
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Three Ohio Supreme Court justices (2 conservative, 1 more liberal) threaten sanctions against our AG’s office for repeatedly filing frivolous motions against pro se incarcerated people. One would have imposed sanctions this time. Two said they’d impose sanctions if it happened again. #LegalWriting