
Pretty sure MSFT saw this post and retaliated by making my computer auto-restart every single night since.
It's amazing that Microsoft is spending time on a creepy tool to record all your activity when it still can't figure out how to prevent Windows from waking your laptop while in your backpack (or not rebooting overnight without permission because of some stupid update).
I count my blessings, daily, that I'm able to avoid using Windows 😂
I have to use it a couple times a week so no need to wonder if it has gotten better, it has not.
Back in the day I used to keep a VMWare install with multiple versions of Windows for assorted needs – just stopped post-M1, and trying to avoid going back 😆
I moved to having a local VirtualBox install for this reason Have VMs of various flavors of linux/windows for various needs that I can clone/delete on a whim and lose nothing Allows for the removal of VMWare from the environment (they're going full-on Boeing at this point)
I'd heard that, very sad b/c I'd been a VMWare user for aaaaaages
Same But ever since version 5, VMWare has shit itself and then set itself on fire (I see no chance at change of this coming down the pike, either) Thus, lots of folks looking at alternatives. Hyper V is nice, but its windows specific. Proxmox, etc I like VirtualBox for one-off smaller installs
Ah you're missing out on the headache of Windows + ARM.
lol absolutely not no thank you i do not think so
The auto restarts are the reason I refuse to use windows again. Infuriating!