
Who would have thought that a sub-par candidate even as to the last election would be doing worse a few years removed from a sense of urgency (and you cannot credibly argue that the sense of urgency is the same in 2024)? It's almost as if maybe you should have had a real primary.
I Alone Can Fix It 2: Joe Biden Boogaloo
It's a Job Protection Program for Joe Biden and his staff. Anyone who actually cared about this election and the country would have stepped down and allowed voters to choose the Dem candidate
Well, that would have required someone else to have chosen to run.
Don't burden Ari with facts.
Is there something that makes you think "people who might have run" aren't part of "the party?" Or are you just bad at reading comprehension.
I didn’t believe I was being rude. Maybe snarky. My apology.
Wasn't replying to you fwiw
All is good. I hope you have a good evening.
Maybe this whole "once a dem is in a position there is no replacement or training a successor until they are dead" thing is, I don't know,a bad idea
This is like me saying "Well, maybe we should have a national popular vote". Yeah. We don't. Now let's get back to reality. If the incumbent runs, they win the primary. Sometimes there's no competition. Sometimes there is and they stomp all over it.
It was logical risk adversity. Real primary means factional inter-party attacks. If Biden loses or steps down, does he endorse Harris who has worse unfavorable ratings than him, or does he not and offend a coalition constituency. And all of name recognition in the party is to the left of Biden
With the exception of Manchin who would go over like a lead balloon. It’s easy to foresee why running Biden could go FUBAR. It was not clear how an alternative would be better. So status quo bias wins out until it becomes intolerable.
Obviously "offend" is my natural and probable choice.
People were free to run, and some did, Ari.
Yes. Let's acknowledge how fucked the process has been. Yet we now have a simple choice. We either look past the deep flaws, or we abandon humanity. There is no other path unless Biden strokes out. He has time to recover. Millions of Dems sat out last election. Get out the vote.
We all know how the system works. Sitting President says he is running and anyone who wants a future in the party doesn't run. This is all on Joe. He made the decision he owns it. I only hope there is an afterlife so he can sit up there with RBG and see what they have done.