
**chokes back laughter**
You are assuming a company with offices and employees and assets made up libelous claims whole-cloth and then published them in a country with stricter libel laws than the United States. Be serious for ten seconds. That is an absurd premise.
“No one would Crime because you might get punished for Crimeing!” is a take, certainly. I don’t know what the facts are, but ISTM this is like a story from Gateway Pundit or OANN. It’s not guaranteed to be false, but I want it from someone more reliable.
Exactly. And I didn't see a single person in that thread defending Gaiman. I saw "Hey, this is coming from one extremely suspect souce. Maybe we should be cautious with this." But apparently caution is offensive to some people 🤷‍♂️
do they issue you fucking guys a manual or something.
women aren't safe around you
multiple people are sharing similar stories and outlets like Rolling Stone clearly verified things to report on it as well
yea the article in the major news publication with an extremely careful legal team that doesn't just publish rando rumors without any backing
They actually have a history of doing that
I trust RS way more than I trust an unknown (to me) media source w/skeevy connections. But it's not doing any reporting on its own, just quoting the same source. "Famous Old Dude Exploits Fame/Power For Sex" is utterly plausible. The bar is low. Someone's got to be doing original reporting on this.
You're sure "Rolling Stone is extremely careful about stories like this" is the argument you want to go with?
A Rape on Campus -
It’s been ~12 straight hours of this.
Glad to have missed it.
I couldn’t look away. It’s just been the same circle over and over. Y U NO believe women? I do but this article doesn’t provide any quotes and summarizes people’s (not provided) statements. Want to see some verification. Ocams razor/they wouldn’t lie. Thus you don’t believe women. 🔄
I mean, why are any of us on here but to watch the slow motion car wrecks we all know we should turn away from but we just can't? 😆
glad you men are having fun with rape
It’s really simple. Allegations have been made, and I take them quite seriously. The next step is verification of the report. There are 19 words in the article directly attributed to one of the victims, otherwise it’s tortoise summarizing the victims experiences and gaimans response to tortoise.
You really don't need to make up shit that I never said to get angry at me. I say plenty of dumb shit all on my own.
No clue what the fuck is going on here. Going back to garden posting.
so just to be clear are you saying that they did invent not only two different accusers but also made up Neil's very bad non-denial?
so just to be clear what I laughed at was the idea that people don't just make shit up even if it's potentially defamatory which was the point of that post so what are you talking about
Sure, we're talking about Neil Gaiman sexually assaulting two different women, and some very weird people are going 'well actually the source reporting it is bad so they're not even real' even as people are going 'no I know at least one of them this is true'
Has anyone said they *know* at least one of them is true? Or are they assuming that because someone *said* it was true? Because there's a difference.
people on this site are literally saying they know one of the women and she told them about it as well, yes, unless you wanna cut to the chase and say the women themselves are making this up
You're getting worked up about things you're imagining I'm saying.
Right? Conversation: If he did that stuff, he's creepy AF. If he didn't, the reporting is creepy AF. WHY DO YOU HATE ME?!
Weird thing is, Britain doesn't just have "you said something mean which violates this standard that would never fly in America" cases - they still have "making crap up" cases! This one (where the source committed fraud) ended up killing a publication.
Elm Guest House hoax -
Some major outlets just repeated the claims, others investigated properly and published "the dude was totally making crap up" stories three years into it, plus Scotland Yard wasted a *lot* of time/effort (and harassed the falsely accused) operating under the assumption it was all true.