AriethNinja 🪡🧶 ko-fi is open

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AriethNinja 🪡🧶 ko-fi is open

What am I doing? NO IDEA! (like always) I just want to make things to make you happy! for my stuff!
One of my favorites. Good morning.☕️
Went to it today and took off my shirt and she could immediately see the difference in my shoulders... She did a specific sports tape that has an adhesive, I think it might be the adhesive that I have problems with cause I'm starting to feel drunk, which is normally my body trying to force a heal
But she also gave me a walker, like a special tall one, I don't have to bend over, and my arm can rest on the handle and I can walk at a normal speed. We lowered it a little because the seat is high and I have short legs ... It's okay to use a walker... Right? ... Right?
... I think I'm gonna see about making some custom stuff for it to help me accept it better
... Okay, so the babies absolutely expect to be read to while cuddling And if I'm reading that means I need to do it out loud. If I stop I get um, spoken to, told to read more But my health isn't up for hours of reading
They are not done. You had better vote blue.
“New religion”, #EditorialCartoon by Paolo Calleri on Cartoon Movement. Please support the publications that employ Editorial Cartoonists. Link to original cartoon, as found online:
It's quite close to the racist belief that if you're white you can treat people of color any way you want, and if they protest, they're being aggressive. Also to the formally similar sexist view. I think it would behoove some people to reflect on these similarities.
This is the heart of it: the pathologically entitled belief that they can treat you any way they want and it’s aggression for you to block them. Batterer’s logic.
For those who care A very traumatic anniversary is right around the bend, Monday in fact. Can I get any kind of what you think would be supportive message. Hugs, cuteness, fun violence, funny memes, a like on this post -i try to not ask for stuff... Kindness from strangers is worth a lot
I remember when people scoffed at the idea of posting stuff on Myspace would have any consequences, and then the book of faces. ... My step mom blew up because I posted a picture of me downing a beer bottle, I was over 21, and it was a joke. I understood, and stand by my choice. But,
I also know when not to say stuff. Like I can wish all I want for the cops to visit my ex for what he did to my daughter. But anything more than that? Nope, keep it in my head, lest it get used against me even if I didnt do anything.
So I told the kid to clean up a corner that he has just been throwing crap in for the last several months. I told him on Friday to clean it on Sat when I was gone. I realize today that he hadn't done it, and made him do it, which he spent all of two seconds putting big bags in boxes
I told his parents my exact wording and timing, and his response, he dad looks, and actually nope, his dad repeats what I say almost verbatim. So kid tries to keep the video playing while cleaning, no, if he wanted that he should have cleaned on Saturday.
After several attempts of turning on the video because I'm sitting with my back to his computer and he's wearing bone earphones, I still, within seconds know when the videos are back on, and get up to pause his computer His dad turns off his internet for two hours
The kid is pissed off now, corner cleaned, HE turned off his computer and has stomped upstairs. I told him to do something on Friday, and because I didn't check he actually had 48 hours to do it instead of the 12... We don't have bugs in the house, YET Excuse me if I want him to clean his stuff
Oh, and I absolutely put all the details of what's going on in the chat with both his parents so the mom has the ability to check to see what actually happened.
Bluesky I propose we take this day to shitpost, meme, and gush about Tim Curry
For those who care, My health has me in no state to stream right now, :( where can I get a new body?
I know some people who need to listen to this. Sometimes one person is only pretending to change to save the marriage
Avatar oh, darn, I just realized I could have asked you for a food recommendation while in Portland. <3 Oregon is pretty. Have you been to guardian games? Or is your name in reference to a different OR?