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Americans live in a system of government that only works if people vote.
Psychologist, Gardener, Museum patron, Gym rat.
I enjoy a laugh. I'll follow you.
This is what Aussie media tries to do and thinks it should do
The relentlessness of the Times’ Biden Age coverage has been an obvious power play on Sulzburger’s part. It’s an assertion that the NYT should be able to single-handedly dictate popular opinion and thus political policy. But “should” isn't necessarily the same as “can”
The media are the ones that need brain scans. They all had lobotomies in a right wing dictatorial lab in Russia and came out regurgitating the same fascist, Russian talking points.
Good Morning Blue Friends ☀️☕️ Happy Sunday!! I hope everyone is doing well. Have a wonderful day 💙💙 #StormTheBallotBox2024
“They are not reporting that he is a loser; they are making him one.” … “But the shocking supreme court decisions this summer and the looming threat of authoritarianism have gotten little ink and air, compared to the hue and cry about Biden’s competence.” #Biden
I hate summer with a passion. This is the absolute worst time of the year. It's extremely hot, fireworks are still going off non-stop every night, it's light by 4am and to make matters worse my chronic back pain flared up slightly after my camping trips and I'm badly sleep deprived now.
Can you believe the NYT fact-checked this from Biden’s ABC interview? The torrent of lies Trump tells and they’ve doing this petty bullshit on Biden.
The cost of tuition over time has gone up in precisely an inversely proportional manner as the federal government has decreased regulations on federal block grants to states. This is a goal of the right wing. It’s another grab of taxpayer money. Project 2025 will accelerate this.
I once wrote a fact check of a Morgan Spurlock book. He included what he said was a direct quote from the FDA that aspartame causes cancer. I checked the footnote. An FDA newsletter did publish that claim — but *only to specifically refute it*. That’s basically how Barrett quotes Madison here.
These mistakes originalist justices are making aren’t about disputed interpretations of history, with evidence on both sides. They’re pulling quotes out of context to attribute ideas to founding figures that those figures adamantly opposed. (via
The Supreme Court's Dubious Use of History in Department of State v. Justice Amy Coney Barrett's majority opinion includes significant errors, and violates some of her own precepts against excessive reliance on questionable history.
Maybe we all need to start writing this on sidewalks. Get out the chalk.
If there were real journalists they'd be following the money trail to the Dems that want Biden to step down.
How can people support him? How can they forget all the horrible things he did that make him unfit for public office? How can so many Americans like that he kidnapped children and gave a massive tax cut to the 1%?
He sold state secrets when he had the Russian ambassador as a guest in the Oval Office, and again at Helsinki.
NEW EPISODE: Republicans have launched multiple programs and announcements promoting early and mail-in voting. The reality is that while the GOP is claiming one thing, they’re doing another by filing lawsuits to restrict mail-in voting access. Watch.
Republicans Sue to Make Mail-In Voting Republicans have launched multiple programs and announcements promoting early and mail-in voting. The reality is that while the GOP is claiming one thing, th...
Sounds like a great opportunity to eminent domain that billboard. Waiting for a corporation to do the right thing, especially after it already tried to exchange it for 6 in other places, is an exercise in futility.
"New archaeological work shows that despite more than a century of desecration by construction and road-building, one of the nation’s most endangered major burying grnds for free and enslaved Africans still contains a significant number of intact gravesites." 🗃️
Richmond makes surprising find at desecrated Black cemetery: intact Richmond’s long-forgotten Shockoe Hill African Burying Ground, which dates to 1816, was thought to have been largely destroyed by development.
Seeing people over on Txitter trying to diagnose POTUS for Parkinson's and it gets me to thinking in general about looking to people in the past and trying to diagnose them with even less evidence than twenty minutes of TV.
Something I am struggling with: cruelty, in all its forms, appeals to a whole hell of a lot of people. There’s not much to the GOP apart from vulgar cruelty and still they’re viable basically everywhere. No hope, no message, no answers… just stepping on vulnerable people for the thrill of it.
We really can't give this guy the nuclear codes again in the age of Elon's Twitter and shitty boomer bait AI images.
funny how #Trump just got 34 felonies, immunity or not, and Biden's the one that has to prove something
Germans who voted from 1930-1933 were not being told the Nazis planned to kill all the Jews. Some heavily bought into the anti-semitic idea of "removing Jewish influence", others wanted to get out of the Treaty of Versailles. Some were horrified by the threat of Bolshevism.
The effective federal corporate income tax rate: 1950: 50% 1990: 25% 2020: 13% Stop asking "but how we will pay for it?" Restore the corporate tax rate. That is how we will pay for it.
Stock buybacks don't just line the pockets of CEOs and shareholders — they're dangerous. Boeing failed to implement a $7B redesign of its 737 Max while spending that much per year on buybacks. A dollar spent on buybacks is a dollar less spent to upgrade equipment and safety.
Two male Texas professors are suing to flunk students who get abortions. Their reason? The students had "consensual sexual intercourse." Which the professors appear to believe is their right to punish.
Texas professors want to use abortion ban to punish students for "consensual sexual intercourse" It's part of a larger pattern of men using the new law to control and abuse women in their lives
It's not just Alito. At least 10 House Republicans — including Mike Johnson — fly the Christian nationalist "Appeal to Heaven" flag. This violent signaling is alarming at any time, but especially as Trump escalates his threats, post-conviction.
Not just Alito: More Republicans wave Christian nationalist flags, despite MAGA threats of Nothing innocent about the "Appeal to Heaven" flag, especially when Trump calls for the right's "breaking point"
Someone waving around a document should be included because it shows 3 things: 1. Possession of the document 2. Improper handling of the document 3. Knowledge that what you were doing i.e. grandstanding - put sensitive information at risk. The notion this would be "improper" is just utterly absurd.
"Not appropriate": Cannon removes indictment text referring to Trump sharing classified A paragraph that describes Trump sharing classified military documents was ruled “not appropriate” by judge
"Just this morning, Biden spoke at a rally in NC and acknowledged, 'I don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know how to do this job. I know how to get things done. The choice in this election is simple. Donald Trump will destroy our democracy. I will defend it.'”
I'm Still With Everybody needs to take a damn breath, and sort themselves out, but quick ...
WE THE PEOPLE are the ones who will have to take down Trump. Not the courts - they've been corrupted. Not the media - they're desperate for access and cash. Not the prosecutors - the courts are stopping them from doing their jobs. Us, together, this November. #TakingDownTrump