
I think we could all use a bit of pick-me-up right about now, so seeing as it's July 3rd, why don't we once again reflect on one of the greatest white supremacist self-owns in military history:
Right up there with Jackson getting owned by his own troops
Thanks Mississipi for potentially saving The Union!
Jackson wouldn’t have won the war. His tactics of bold, grand maneuvers were the kind of thing that lost the later war for the confederates.
had the war led to a drawn out invasion of northern states, i would bet slave revolts would have completely collapsed their economy. logistics would have fucked the south. their only hope was to go full taliban which i don’t think any of their generals were cut out for let alone receptive to.
even then, slave revolts would probably end their whole shit. none of those assholes knew how to farm.
Nah. They probably did save a number of troops, but even with Jackson able to suss out what his sloppy orders meant that wasn't enough to overcome just how bad Lee was. As soon as he encountered a first rate General (i.e. Meade) he was bound to lose. And a Great one (i.e. Grant), he's fucked.