
Donald Trump abused his powers in a lot of "there's no recourse except impeaching him" ways and Biden mostly refused to do any of that and the reward he's received is that the Centrist Norms-Guarders who actually pretend to care about that stuff have now all called on him to step down.
No one actually cares about this stuff! You will not be rewarded for following DOJ protocol. You will be rewarded if you use as much power as you can get away with to make life better for your constituents, the same way Republicans use as much power as they can get away with to fuck us!
Anti-Bernie Dems in 2016 and 2020 would always go like "oh exactly HOW will you do all this stuff" and to me that was never the point - I believed Bernie would keep pushing on every lever he could reach trying to get us to those goals and I didn't believe Clinton or Biden would.
And it turns out that was absolutely correct for Biden! He's done a lot given his restrictions but when push comes to shove, he backs down a lot! Maybe that's good for Restoring Norms or whatever but it turns out no one gives a shit! I don't give a shit and the Norms Enforcers definitely don't!
gd right
They called FDR a dictator and he had the exactly correct response when he said "I welcome their hatred!"
Lincoln as well, for a lot of legitimate reasons Thankfully, he ignored those concerns and won the war anyway
lol yeah I was trying to figure out a way to get Lincoln in that tweet as well but I couldn't think of any one line if his equivalent to that FDR quote
Closest I can think of is his response to Chief Justice Taney on the matter of ex parte merryman, a habeas corpus case:
Are all the laws but one to go unexecuted, and the Government itself go to pieces lest that one be violated? Even in such a case, would not the official oath be broken if the Government should be overthrown when it was believed that disregarding the single law would tend to preserve it?
Seems like saving the Republic was a better priority than following the rules