
I find it very amusing when the worst people are like “Its Just Biological men cant control not being cheaters/pressuring women for sex” when the medieval view was generally “unlike men, women are super horny and will absolutely bang the scarecrow if left unattended”
Every so often I read a thing about how medieval folks viewed sex as a reproductive act and yeah for male/female pairings it was more often than not. Because contraception amounted to tying a weasel’s testicles in goose skin.
The idea of what’s Just Biology has proven to be rather malleable. Historically.
Actual human biology has been very pointedly ignored by male evolutionary psychologists. The more promiscuous female primates are, the bigger the male's balls are. Not only are ours huge, like chimps, we have that penile ridge that creates suction, pulling out a competitor's sperm.
Women tend to orgasm more slowly because our bodies evolved in an environment where fucking several members of the tribe in a row was normal. It's also why women tend to be more vocal, calling men at other fires to join in. Men "needing" to know their children are "theirs" is an invented concept.
Invented by men who talk about resources a lot, without understanding that none of us had resources to hand down to our children until after the invention of farming. That was not a concern in the environment in which we evolved There are still a few remnants of Stone Age behavior that exist today
The people in those tribes understand the concept of genetic fatherhood when it's explained to them. But that is simply not how they think of fatherhood. All the men are fathers to all the children.