
A different constitutional crisis everyday
It's not a constitutional crisis if Joe Biden covers his ears and goes la-la-la I can't hear you
Look, this is a shitty thing, but what exactly is Biden supposed to do here? He can't fire SCOTUS. If he issues an executive order to counter this it will get litigated. He can work with Congress to try to get a law written, but since we don't have both houses, that's not likely to happen.
guess the president has no power, can’t do anything. meanwhile trump is all powerful and can do everything he wants. do i have that right?
The president single-handedly cannot do anything. In this case, the courts have to do it, and the far right dominated SCOTUS decided to do nothing. All Biden could do is appoint liberal judges to the 5th circuit if there are any openings.
good thing the dems sat on their haunches and fundraised for years instead of doing anything about it. it’s the hypocrisy that really gets me and why i can’t support them or any political party
Hey, just to mention, apropo of nothing, I voted for Obama in 2008 largely on his avowed pledge to make Roe his highest legislative priority. I know that's not germane now.
buddy me too. probably less than 50 miles from where you did
Let’s talk about it more at the Donald J Trump re-education camps. Camps like you’ve never seen. The biggest and best.
yeah? you gonna be the guy that closes the gate on us?
No that’s your dumb ass. Just praying you don’t live in a swing state.
i’ll vote uncommitted in the general just for you cupcake 😘
❤️ I hope you’ll also think of me when a loved one can’t access an abortion, or when our federal government returns to acting like climate change is a hoax, or when the house refuses to certify a democratically elected president or…
Bet there's a brown shirt in your closet that you caress wishfully every day.
Rafael made sure Biden couldn’t appoint any fifth circuit judges for the longest. With that said, I think the SC should be expanded.
Agreed, but that's not happening with a Republican House, and it wasn't going to happen with a Senate majority that depended on Manchin and Sinema.