
A different constitutional crisis everyday
It's not a constitutional crisis if Joe Biden covers his ears and goes la-la-la I can't hear you
It's not a constitutional crisis if Joe Biden thinks it's cool and helpful
Bro, Roe is right here. Fucking heartless.
Look, this is a shitty thing, but what exactly is Biden supposed to do here? He can't fire SCOTUS. If he issues an executive order to counter this it will get litigated. He can work with Congress to try to get a law written, but since we don't have both houses, that's not likely to happen.
guess the president has no power, can’t do anything. meanwhile trump is all powerful and can do everything he wants. do i have that right?
We're protecting Roe!
No, like most things, you don't. But tell us more about how you don't understand that parts of the government run by conservatives will almost always give in to other conservatives, but not to liberals. It's fascinating seeing the almost pure ignorance on display
dont worry, the country is going to fascism and the most powerful guy in the world is sitting on his hands while the court strips away our rights. nothing he can do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Do you get a bulk price on that straw or do you get it because the supplier takes pity on you for being this much of an idiot?
If SCOTUS somehow says Trump is above criminal prosecution while Biden isn't... Seriously, what do you want Biden to do? Expand the Court? The Senate won't do that.
look man, liberals have assured me time and time again that trump will be able to enact pure, uncut fascism, while also saying joe biden is powerless to stop anything that’s happening now. i don’t know what to tell you, im just repeating their talking points
In general, Biden acts within the law. The fear of DJT going full fascist involves DJT ignoring the law and institutions buckling under the assault of said lawlessness. The asymmetry of those who prize institutions vs. those who wish to dismantle them is a serious issue.
I guess it all comes down to: just how many Americans do you think support Trump as a potential fascist leader? That's where the problem lies. And the answer is "a lot". Biden is obeying the law. Trump isn't. It's not a symmetric situation.
One man will abide by our laws and constitution, the other won’t and has assembled a group of powerful sycophants who will aid him. It’s really not complicated.
No, you're just a dumbass.
Biden doesn't want to help us. He wants to keep his billionaires and banks happy. Are you not paying attention to his history in congress?
They won't because he hasn't even declared that as a goal for his Party. Biden won't even get off the starting block.
"Look, the republicans have repeatedly demonstrated the rules mean nothing to them and trying to fight them within the framework of the current rules is useless" "So what do you want the democrats to do? Break the rules?" *grasps pearls*
It was a serious question. I see you ducked it and chose to go ad hominem instead. No, really. Aside from a vague insinuation that the Dems should break the rules, what, specifically, do you think they should do?
Joe Biden has access to several professional business-handlers. he could do something really cool that would guarantee thousands of votes
No power? No. The power to arbitrarily change the rules? No, he doesn't have that either. Given the constraints (a hostile majority in the House, a Senate which won't abolish the filibuster) he's getting a lot done, but he can't reverse decades of court stacking by fiat. Which is a good thing.
then maybe Biden should purge these conservative brownshirts in the executive instead of appointing them to investigate Hunter
The president single-handedly cannot do anything. In this case, the courts have to do it, and the far right dominated SCOTUS decided to do nothing. All Biden could do is appoint liberal judges to the 5th circuit if there are any openings.
good thing the dems sat on their haunches and fundraised for years instead of doing anything about it. it’s the hypocrisy that really gets me and why i can’t support them or any political party
Hey, just to mention, apropo of nothing, I voted for Obama in 2008 largely on his avowed pledge to make Roe his highest legislative priority. I know that's not germane now.
Let’s talk about it more at the Donald J Trump re-education camps. Camps like you’ve never seen. The biggest and best.
Rafael made sure Biden couldn’t appoint any fifth circuit judges for the longest. With that said, I think the SC should be expanded.
Agreed, but that's not happening with a Republican House, and it wasn't going to happen with a Senate majority that depended on Manchin and Sinema.
You're so close, you've almost got it
No, you're just an idiot.
“vote for us if you dont want more fascism!” *more fascism happens anyways* “what do you expect us to do? we cant protect democracy without breaking rules & getting away w/ it like republicans do! sure fascism is growing, but we have the moral high ground by doing absolutely nothing to stop it!”
Trump had the power to put extra people on the supreme court because Mitch McConnell held the position to a double standard. Those people are making these rulings. Biden cannot put people on the supreme court unless someone dies or retires. See how simple that is in showing the power difference?
This sounds kind of accurate. Weird how that works right?
Yes, a president aligned with the Supreme Court is more powerful than one at odds with it
Sorry I don't listen to DNC apologia, maybe try Facebook. 🤷
probably not an American. definitely flunked social studies if it is one.
Just because he can't wave a magic wand and reverse the decision doesn't mean he shouldn't at the very least vehemently denounce it.
He can issue an executive order and have it get litigated. You >just< said what he can do and then proceeded to argue he shouldn't bother even trying because it might not work.
So the strategy is to assume failure and capitulate preemptively. The Neolibs' favorite approach since it lets them act morally and intellectually superior while not lifting a finger. How's that been working out so far?