Blood Floridian

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Blood Floridian

don't have a podcast to put here :)
I wrote about how the Democratic Party brought us here for The Guardian.
+972 documents the war crimes of the Israeli army via testimonials. Executions on the street, indiscriminate gunfire, houses burnt. One solider admits "We are in these houses not because they belong to Hamas operatives. It is a house of 2-3 families — to destroy it means they will be homeless".
‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Israeli soldiers describe the near-total absence of firing regulations in the Gaza war, with troops shooting as they please, setting homes ablaze, and leaving corpses on the streets — all with their c...
An article in the peer-reviewed medical journal The Lancet, using the conservative estimate of 4 indirect deaths in Gaza for every one direct death (in other conflicts it’s been 3-15x), calculates that Israel has killed approximately 186,000 Palestinians. That is 8% of the population of Gaza.
Counting the dead in Gaza: difficult but By June 19, 2024, 37 396 people had been killed in the Gaza Strip since the attack by Hamas and the Israeli invasion in October, 2023, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, as reported by the UN Offi...
I just got an email from my local greyhound rescue that Caliente, the dog track at Tijuana, is closing. If you're in southern California and thought about a retired racer this might be a great time to reach out to an adoption group. Retired track dogs make awesome pets.
DO NOT incorrectly assume that this is a pattern of reversing nationalism. The UK Labor party has won a majority; but also after a 4+ yr campaign of purging actual socialists. The French Right has fallen short of a majority; but France has one of the most vocal ACTUAL left wing populace in Europe.
Liberals will never abandon institutions, no matter how corrupt they become. And institutions will always become corrupt in a society controlled by unchecked capital. The result is anti-reform and only helps the rise of fascism.
Scratch a liberal & a fascist bleeds
I keep thinking about the fact that before Refaat Alareer was murdered, the IDF phoned him while he was in a shelter, telling him that they knew he was in the shelter (leaving the implication that they would kill dozens to get him, assuming correctly that he had more of a conscience than them).
The idea that community is worth nothing is only something a wealthy, white, abled, cis man would say.
It’s funny cause people tell me *all the time* how they’ve learned from me and found community through my posts and been uplifted and connected to others and gotten tools to recognize and fight hate and felt less alone in the world. But I guess fuck that right? I’m not accomplishing anything.
there's something deeply funny about one of the architects of mass incarceration not appreciating how he's being defined and can't recover from one bad night
Like it or not, the Democratic electoral strategy of “democracy is on the ballot” may not be successful because many Americans have already lived most of their lives in a marginalized majority without a functioning democracy. It is a slogan penned by a tone deaf and privileged political class.
All US citizens should interrogate the way we are propaganzied to support militarism abroad.
my response, if i was joe: "i am not going to lose. i beat trump once and will beat him again. he's weak, he's a convicted felon running bc he forgot to pardon himself when he was planning a coup. and the right has only become more radical." but talking about it like a y league game is good, too.
Well as long as he feels “OK” that’s all that really matters, right?
feels like part of the longstanding trend of "complain about the media, but never do anything about it other than Hope They're Nice To Us" from democrats is that a lot of 'em find the shittiness of the media convenient when they want to knife somebody else in the party
fundamentally, leadership that doesn't want to lead, that wants everybody else - far less powerful, less secure people than they are - to fix all the problems and take all the risks and do all the work is just not a good fucking strategy to keep power, even if just for corrupt reasons.
if your only strategies to deal with an unfair media is "mope about it being unfair" or "get more racist to try and make them like you", and you've had tons of money and power and decades of time to do something about the problem, my sympathy turns quickly into "oh fucking well".
Howard Dean seems like a pretty replacement level dem so I guess who cares but it’s a pretty good look at how the media furrowing their brows and going “we’re very concerned” is 100% bullshit nonsense that they arbitrarily apply to whatever story seems cool to them
Lot of decent posters revealing themselves to be shitlibs this week when faced with the sight of democrats experiencing consequences for their failures. Not a pretty sight
Gotta be so cool to be a centrist or a fascist. You get to take turns being in power while crying the whole time about how the left kept you from power (?)
What "democracy" exactly is there left to save?
Avatar took down my block list of transphobes and Nazis and other assorted bigots and fascist apologists because it called them "dog brains and piss drinkers". make up your minds if we are supposed to self moderate or rely on you
Very disrespectful for england to hold some kind of election on the day America invented democracy
During an Israeli raid on a Palestinian refugee camp, residents said several people were executed or used as human shields. This article is based on over a dozen interviews, and photos and videos provided by eyewitnesses and reviewed by Post reporters. Read more:
I feel like treating Biden’s quite obvious and visible cognitive decline as a ratfuck and not something 80% of Americans and many members of Congress agree upon and are concerned about is equally weird! Reasonable people can disagree about the underlying reality, but there is not escaping the q.
800,000 imprisoned people in the US produce $10 billion of value each year through their labor. $2 billion for private industry. The state of Alabama alone makes $450 million off the labor of incarcerated workers. We have a word for this.