
New: I did not support Kamala Harris in the 2020 primary. But that won't keep me from backing her in Biden's place this November. Here I make the case for candidate Harris:
Need I remind you all that the most qualified candidate in the history of this country lost to an idiot primarily because she was a woman? If the country wouldn't choose Hillary, why would they choose Kamala?
yea, i guess another woman should never run for president. sound logic.
Ever? No, I wouldn't say that. Against Trump? I would not. His supporters are feverish and number nearly half the country. They don't waver in support. He and his people would strip women completely of their autonomy. You taking that bet?
His supporters would vote for him no matter who runs against him. He could run against god, they wouldn't vote for god. His detractors (like me) would vote for anyone but him. I'd vote for a bucket of shit over trump. The Q is who gets more of the people in-between. Biden or Kamala.
There's two main reasons I think Kamala, or any replacement, is a tough sell: 1. It shows disunity in the party. Republicans will seize that and sway center-rights. 2. It's five months to the election. Nobody even knows the logistics of replacing a candidate let alone this close to election.
1. If you don't see disunity now, I don't know what to tell you. As for republicans, they're gonna vote trump no matter the candidate; 2. The process is much more simple if the VP takes over for the candidate. That's why Kamala is literally the only person who can replace Biden.
To be clear: yes, it's a tough sell. Obviously. The Q is whether is a tougher sell than a guy who's obviously not really there anymore. Until a week ago, I would have said selling Biden was easier. Now, not sure. It might very well be that we're doomed either way and nothing matters.
We see disunity because we're mostly news junkies. The average voter sees what comes across tiktok or tv ads. They don't debate the minutiae or know how Congress feels, they just see things like, "BIDEN DROPS OUT OF THE RACE." I think that'd be historic in a very bad way.
Not the only question. Kamala changes the map and it's unclear her path to victory. But you have to try. She is already on that ballot. A certain 🍊 fella is already running against her. She's smarter than the men on the ballot. Would whip their ass at debate. Would be abuse
She's younger so she'll definitely be quicker on her feet but it's not about the individual or Clinton would have won: it's about the voters. You'd have five months to convince people to vote for Harris. The odds are so stacked it could be a 90s live action Disney movie.
This is first General Election since Roe was overturned. The people do not need to be convinced. #VoteBlue 💙 🌊
That argument cuts both ways. There also isn't a 50 years industry of trying to destroy Harris. Seems like polls against trump get her almost 10pts over Biden. Not sure I'd rely on these polls, but they're out there.
One reason Hillary Clinton lost was because the inside-the-Beltway debutantes in the news media did a hit-job on her for 25 years. That and 2016 was also the year of Brexit when moron voters were sending self-righteous messages with their votes as if they were tossed off one-liners.
Why did they do a hit job on her? Why her of all Democrats? Not because she's a woman, surely.
Eventually we gotta admit that the reason people were so willing to believe those things is that the country is more misogynistic than not. That's why Hillary fails where her husband and Obama succeed.
If you've got it all figured out then why have discussions? It's decided. History is over because you said so.
Nobody said I have it figured out nor that history is over. Like you, I have an opinion and my opinion is that the only chance we have is to stay the course and stop letting Republicans dictate the battleground. Stop talking about Biden and talk about the issues like RvW, the right to vote, etc.
Because she and her husband, the President, were not their kind of people. That's why. Because it was a feeding frenzy of snide elitists sniffing down their nose at the Clintons. They hated them from day-one and never let up.
That implies that the elitists determine the winners in this country instead of the people, doesn't it? Would make any debate moot. At that point in the logic you have to overthrow the elitists, don't you?
They create the media narrative. Every voter isn't Doctor Professor Researcher PhD. They watch ten minutes of news and see headlines.
That's why I think "The Lincoln Project," as self-serving as they were at times, were so effective at turning the tide against Trump: they took the dirty media tricks and used them against Trump. They could go where Dems don't but definitely could and should.