ripley (they/them)

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ripley (they/them)

Creator of “Broken Dimensions,” an in-dev. multimedia storytelling project. I like movie scores, worldbuilding, and Star Wars.
Just a little heads up as to where else you can find me, off of Bluesky! I'm mitigating my presence on Instagram right now due to Meta's bogus AI scraping policy. It was more or less the last straw for me. I'm currently most active here on Bluesky, on Cara, and my personal Tumblr. #networking
Still attempting to get better at posting art here, haha! Check out this fun little FX experiment / worldbuilding page I finished a couple days ago! The magic types / functionality in BrDim is something I've deeply enjoyed developing over the years. It's awesome to share it! #digitalart #art
You guys have GOT to see this gorgeous Polyphemus Moth I saw while picking out rocks for Blue’s enclosure!!! #moth #moths #pretty
You know I keep forgetting I originally got this app to share more art and maybe actually have people see it (as opposed to 12 out of 2.8k people NOT seeing it on IG). Here’s some WIP work! If you want to see more, you should check out my Cara (same username)!
If you see this, QRP with a character that has long hair.
If you see this, QRP with a character that has long hair
When your boss opens the doors 2 minutes early:
Hey (again) #portfolioday! My other post contains all the good links and info about what I do, but here's a snapshot:
Here’s an update on Blue and his great majesty (he was outside and then got fed directly before this. He’s very proud of himself for catching all the crickets).
For anyone who is obsessed with citations (haven’t double checked myself this is literally saved from elsewhere):
For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
was sitting out watching the annual 4th of July parade the other day and 3 church organizations within 10 minutes of each other came out of the way, up into my friend’s yard to hand me a salvation notecard. I laughed at everyone of ‘em bc I look like this (pic below) but also: hey.
Bringing back this old tumblr post for the 2024 election. The OPs were onto something here…
Just popped online to see everyone talking about the recent Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity. This is the official statement on the SC website, shared for contexts since I’ve read no articles and seen very little this far tonight.
I knew I was forgetting something important… (I had SO many cool art plans for Pride Month this year and I just. Did not get to them. But it’s ok! Have a little celebration comic anyway.) #pride #comic #comics #sketch #peidemonth #happypride
REALLY feeling concept of the cassandrean task rn. I love working at [locally owned pet store] but a couple of my coworkers make caring for these animals and moral, financial, and ethical dilemma.
For context: read section 11 of Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation (and conservative branch of the GOP/the GOP in general)’s plan for if they win the presidency in November.
Maybe don’t manipulate people’s horrible, traumatic life experiences that they’ve dedicated their life to saving other people from and preventing as POLITICAL AMMUNITION that’s been taken out of context.
The article floating around about Sydney Sweeney is SO worth the read. Like, wow. We’re talking about it.
I'm excited to announce that my work was recently chosen to be featured in an online exhibition hosted by Exhibizone! There are SO many amazing artists in the show, and I'm so honored to be a part of it. The show runs from March 1 to April 30! Check it out here:
Haha this was a joke, it’s Nathan.
Me, walking over to a big crowd of all my story characters carrying a box labeled “religious trauma: hey which one of y’all wants this
In addition to being a digital artist I also keep a traditional sketchbook to scribble things in. Including this lovely monstrosity: BABS (aka B4-BS or “Built 4 Bullshit” aka the Portal dampener spheres’ crazy cousin)
I made this nice lil comic about healing your younger self a while back 💚
I had the privilege of making some really awesome stuff for class last spring, so as I attempt to get better at posting here AND we approach it being a year since they were made, I like to share some illustrations!! Starting with THIS awesome triptych I plan to redo/retouch soon:
Some sticker ideas I’ve been playing around with! (The knife one is both an MCR reference (“Fake Your Death”) and a niche reference to a couple characters of my for which this is their theme song lol) What do you guys think? #stickers #art #digitalart
Two pics of my cat(s) that make me smile and two pics of the seagull that posed for us at Niagara Falls last summer (one featuring me lol)
Show me a picture that makes you happy. Of yourself, of your pet, of your backyard, of your vacation. Let me sap your dopamine like a bluesky vampire. Give to me that lucious serotonin. Bonus points for alt text so others can enjoy. Here's one of mine. Basset hound puppies are clownshoes.
Fractal Alliances - # 3 - 1998 Read more on my Instagram!
Our new cat (the calico) is slowly warming up to us… but still prefers to stare us down from afar (see pic 2)
Just learned you can set it so that you can’t post images without adding alt text!! Finally, a reliable way to force myself to remember!! (I am SO awful about remembering to add alt text! It’s not deliberate I swear, it’s a combination of “can’t start new routine” and “ouch my wrists hurt”)