ripley (they/them)

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ripley (they/them)

Creator of “Broken Dimensions,” an in-dev. multimedia storytelling project. I like movie scores, worldbuilding, and Star Wars.
Commander Vimes would absolutely agree with ACAB. In fact, he would put himself forward as prime example.
[food science] Signaling molecules are a current special interest, so have a short infodump Bluesky ✨Acetic Acid✨ The main ingredient in vinegar is: - made by your gut microbiome - is a type fatty acid - gets absorbed differently from other types of fat - also acts as a signaling molecule
Also the way they talk about the left destroying society? Horrific.
Listening to the crowd chanting “USA” at the RNC broadcast my dad is playing and thinking: I’ll chant for my country when I can afford to live in it.
Listening to the crowd chanting “USA” at the RNC broadcast my dad is playing and thinking: I’ll chant for my country when I can afford to live in it.
My toxic trait is loving crop tops but they have to be like. Waist-cropped or I will try to tuck them into my high-waisted pants and will be upset when the shirt doesn’t tuck.
PSA: if you write a book and then soon thereafter write another book, such that for about five years you are “book writing,” you end up feeling like you’re not being productive unless you are actively writing a book. Signed, lady not currently writing a book.
I've had recently quite a lot of people tell me how much my work has meant to them and how much they've enjoyed it, or recognised me in public, more than I've had in a while. I really wish that impression of being liked actually nested in my brain, than fearing people hate me.
On a day when a giant multinational union-busting corporation is having a sale I would just like to praise some awesome indie bookstores, starting with where I will be next week (July 23) with Max Gladstone. And in Arizona has been awesome for decades (More)
Copper Dog Books | Beverly's Downtown Copper Dog Books is an independent bookstore located in downtown Beverly, Massachusetts, offering high quality customer service to help you find Books, Toys, Puzzles, Games, and more! We also speciali...
seeing a lot of "actually Project 2025 considers any LGBT text or subtext to be pornographic, that's what they're trying to ban" and maybe could use a little more "but also it's wrong to ban actual porn, porn is fine"
if you work in a creative field and use genAI cause you don't care about the artists who are your coworkers : we care, and we'll remember that when the bubble bursts
I will never forget hearing a conservative person I had the displeasure of knowing once tell me with a straight face: "Look, what's happening to the people in developing nations is terrible but it's not political violence. It can't be, because they lack the political power to matter here." 😤🤢
All Western politicians right now
Make sure that you're registered and that you vote this year. And every election. Educate your friends and family--especially in swing states--about what's at stake in November.
Everything You Need to Vote - Register to vote. Check your registration status. Get your absentee ballot. Fast, free, easy, secure, nonpartisan.
TWISTER is such a great movie. The good storm chasers have sensors that are balls, which are round and wholesome, and the bad storm chasers have sensors that are cubes, the most evil shape.
I don't feel like many of us have been very cowabunga lately and I wish to apologize for my part in talking about sucky shit for loser nerds so much
There’s a fine line between fearmongering and spreading information about Project 2025 bc there’s a lot of insane shit in there, but there’s also a lot that ISN’T. It’s just heavily implied.
If you're a digital-head, sketchbook more. I feel like everything the comes out of CSP has to be an upload but there's something nice about finishing something cool in my sketchbook and not having the upload urge.
also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
If anyone wants to share with alt text:
Pass it on with alt text
It also outlines the need to cut off federal funding for any school that teaches "critical race theory," in the same breath. So, teach history the jingoistic way we demand or don't get funding. And erase queer people or we will pursue legal action.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
Someone in San Antonio, TX reached out to me today because she has a sweet, magical boy with FIV who desperately needs a home ASAP. In fact, he's so sweet that his name is Sweet Boy. Look at that face - he obviously just wants love! 💔 (continued with more info)
me: i need to write me, 30 seconds later: what if i make a meme instead, this is productive and authentic bc it is self promotion but also depressing
What happens to a largely US-controlled internet after fascism? I'm hoping we don't find out, but do these now, not later: - Make sure that you have ways to contact your core groups outside of social media. - Back up everything you don't want to lose online.
everyone should have to learn how to make a piece of clothing so they can have a more accurate grasp of just how much work goes into clothing production and how horrifically underpaid garment workers are for the amount of work they do
It's time for Sammie's daily ear check-in.
not an original observation by far, but: one of the most useful things about project 2025 for the left is it's a way to organize people against Christian nationalism, and beyond this election, because they are not going anywhere