maximum triangle

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maximum triangle

episcopal priest, theology phd student, amateur interest in emergency medicine and construction technologies. wife guy to bailey

it’s not a funny *situation* but my current diagnostic code at the dermatologist is “Neoplasm of Uncertain Behavior” and for some reason that wording strikes me as genuinely absolutely hilarious
AP: Sen. Bob Menendez convicted of taking bribes paid in gold and a luxury car. Verdict still being read at corruption trial.
people shutting up about things they aren't qualified to comment on challenge commence
idk i feel like expecting everyone to have an opinion on every horrible thing happening is how we get into a very big mess of people who cannot possibly have all the info saying wrong things very loudly and influencing more people to be loud and wrong
Results in a week.
All right, another medical appointment today. Hopeful that this will be the one that leads to an explanation. It isn’t actually very fun to have your providers all be befuddled by your situation, and I’m sick of being shunted back and forth between specialists.
All right, another medical appointment today. Hopeful that this will be the one that leads to an explanation. It isn’t actually very fun to have your providers all be befuddled by your situation, and I’m sick of being shunted back and forth between specialists.
I’d love to chat with anyone with experience either discerning vocation in a rural context, or who does rural ministry as a LLM, deacon on priest. Let me know if you’d be open to doing so - I’d be grateful!
Bailey and I are still trying to start a family, and it sure is amazing to be absolutely persuaded that I will need to plan to travel out of state to somewhere solidly blue at the beginning of the third trimester and remain there until I've given birth, because a TN birth certificate is an albatross
Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.
look i know we're all clinically depressed leftists but automatically going WE'RE DOOMED does not seem prudent
Popping on to say: A lot of rumors are about to fly about this rally. Trump's team is 100% going to try and take advantage of this situation. So will malicious foreign actors/bots/etc. Please don't auto share. Check your sources, and vet their wording/sourcing carefully.
wow wow wow wow wow wow holy fuck
I categorically reject the idea that bsky can fix its anti-blackness problem or fix its transmisogyny problem but not both. and I reject the idea that concern about one is a smokescreen to distract from the other
the existence of valid criticisms doesn’t justify illegitimate criticism; the existence of illegitimate criticism doesn’t preclude the existence of valid criticisms I have seen such gnarly anti-blackness and such gnarly transmisogyny in the last 24 hours
the existence of valid criticisms doesn’t justify illegitimate criticism; the existence of illegitimate criticism doesn’t preclude the existence of valid criticisms I have seen such gnarly anti-blackness and such gnarly transmisogyny in the last 24 hours
okay, didn’t get to 75% but did get to 50%. if I unfollowed you it isn’t an indicator of animus in any way. retention was largely-but-not-solely based on whether or not we’ve met in person and/or how long we knew each other before I joined bluesky.
maybe what I will do is unfollow like, 75% of the people I follow
okay I didn’t shave it-shave it but I did buzz it and I’m pretty happy with this
maybe what I will do is unfollow like, 75% of the people I follow
Very, very tired. And contemplating leaving my remaining social media accounts. idk. Past evidence suggests I won’t manage to do it. But I wish I would.
“Prosecutor experiences meaningful consequences for behavior that violates a defendant’s rights” is a man bites dog story if there ever was one.
Alright friends, I am hunting someone who could draw a scifi/catholic iconography Mashup for me as a commission. Any ideas?
so, uh… what non-substack newsletter platforms are ppl using these days? (I have not decided on anything, this is curiosity only)
idk what the right thing to do is but it's pretty telling to me that the people in politics who I respect like AOC and Bernie are saying "we gotta make sure the leaky rowboat doesn't sink" and the people drilling holes in the bottom are like, Scott Peters
Like my feeling since Biden wrapped up the nomination has been that Biden is a leaky rowboat we've all been crammed into, and while being on a leaky rowboat sucks I'm rooting for it not to sink and annoyed at the other people on the boat who are seemingly determined to drill more holes in it.
tom’s cell phone was broken and I took it apart and put it back together and it works now ^_^
lol fuck u too, the u.s. coast guard
Please continue to keep the people of St. Stephen’s Episcopal and First Presbyterian in your prayers. And pray for Eric Ridenour, too.
Last May, Eric Ridenour set fire to two historic churches in Douglas, AZ and destroyed them. Ridenour said he targeted the churches because, at the time, one was led by a gay pastor and the other was led by a woman. Today, he was found guilty of all charges including hate crimes.
Eric Ridenour guilty on all six counts in Douglas Church Jurors in Tucson Federal Court handed down a verdict today in Eric Ridenour's arson trial. Ridenour, defending himself, did not call any witnesses.
Expect the blue state housing crisis to get exponentially worse if Trump gets to implement the Project 2025 reign of terror - forcing a lot of people to flee to places where they'll be more safe. (We need to be building way more housing).