your #3 source for absurdist true crime 🔨

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your #3 source for absurdist true crime 🔨
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If you have an MP who is even mildly non-cunt, getting in touch with them to an annoying degree if you have time on top of other things. The survival instinct is strong and if enough people focus time into letters etc. they'll start shitting themselves, esp if they're a new face.
If one more cunt tells me “its okay, progress is slow“ i will progress them out the fucking window
The bartender at my local pub is from Cork. His response to anyone ordering an Irish Car Bomb: "Can't make you that, but I can make a 9/11. It's just two kamikazes dropped in a Manhattan."
Excellent advice for UK folks on how to effectively pressure your MPs
This is really important now — lots of very thin majorities, even (especially!) for Labour MPs. MPs will still be thinking about campaigns right now, where in a fairly short time they'll be thinking about being an MP for five years. Get them thinking about the issues that matter to you — now!
Oh man I'm def gonna watch this cuz I have been through the ENTIRE cycle. "Wait... WHY do we hate her, though?" was part of my literal feminist awakening as a teen.
Lindsay Ellis has finally uploaded her essay about Yoko Ono and the Beatles to youtube and I was asked to draw the thumbnail illustration. Please check out Lindsay's video! It's some of her best work and I am honored to have been allowed to contribute a small part to it!
Asshole Neighbour went to my wife crying about how he wants to tell me to mow the lawn but is afraid that I'll lose my temper at him if he does and my champion spouse was like "yeah you're right he will you should try not telling him anything." Keeper.
digital music: yeah. that makes sense. you turned it into zeros and ones. i can Understand that vinyl records: youre telling me that you have imprisoned the soul of sound in this piece of plastic and can summon it on demand by striking it with a diamond. sure buddy
yes, we boiled the planet, but it was worth it to make a machine that, instead of adding two plus two, takes the statistical average of every answer to questions containing "what" "is" "two" and "plus" from a database of illegal cell phone transcripts and returns a fake nude pic of a high schooler
currently researching an "AI" powered service that sells your data to advertisers. this is not helping me have an anti-carceral attitude.
"Microsoft’s climate solutions team is suggesting things like going plastic-free for a month. Switch off your air conditioner, we need the power to make pictures of pretty ladies with several fingers on each hand and the wrong number of arms."
Google and Microsoft are getting dirtier. They can’t help it, it’s AI! Microsoft released its 2024 environmental report in May, and Google released its report in June. Both companies have a goal of zero net emissions by 2030. Both are on track to miss this goal — and …
Feeling despair at the world and something that no bullshit made me feel a little better was giving ten bucks to support someone’s work on Patreon. Not that it’s a big deal but being able to go “oh I like this, I want more of this in the world” made me feel like I had .00000001% control of things.
bitcoin has dropped again and not even the coiners can muster any excitement lool
"yer that's Esoteric Nazism Nina, a very good leftist"
Tired: Being racist Wired: Being racist because you suspect foreigners might be leprechauns
Still giggling about "Q. Just out of curiosity, do you know what unsigned means in that? A. I do. Basically it's unsigned variable, it's not an integer with -- Q. With what? A. It's larger. I'm not sure how -- I mean, on the stand here, I'm not sure how I'd say it, but -- Q. Take a wild guess."
Madam, please, you are alienated labor and this is a Wendy's
also I will never get my head round Nvidia being at the center of this bullshit. I fully understand the hows and whys it’s them - in more detail then you can imagine - but every time I see their branding it’s like finding out Logitech or MadKatz are suddenly the most powerful company in the world
Saw a lady on the street today wearing an Nvidia shirt that said "I am AI", that's going to be haunting me for a while
back when we had server rooms, i used to work hiding out in the server room for similar reasons
I work in a glass fronted office building with no air conditioning and windows that a gnat couldn't piss through when open. There is a toilet in the sub-basement that is like a tomb. I've been taking my laptop down there and working for a few hours in a cubicle to cool off.
(And yes, there are serious problems with both those parties too, but lesser problems generally. My ranking generally goes Hypothetical Actual Good Party Lib Dem/Green Tie Hitting Myself in the Balls With a Hammer Labour Hitting Myself in the Balls With a Hammer *Repeatedly* Tories Reform)
No one: Me: When, in Hitchhikers, Ford says the Vogans have “about as much sex appeal as a road accident” is this a topical joke about J G Ballard’s then recently published Crash?
boss on microsoft teams: Hey all, hope you're having a productive Friday! Sending you off to a happy weekend with this meme: C:/users/Dazza/humour.jpg boss on slack: Obviously I would have never committed a school shooting. I find the idea abhorrent. But: I think I could've nailed it. In my youth
I’ve been saying for years that the pressure on traditionally published authors to do most of the work themselves will reach the point where it’ll start overlapping with self-publishing. So I figured it was time to put my money (or my work, at least), where my mouth is. 1/
there is a limit to the volume of sound that your ears can perceive before they are destroyed no such limit exists for sounds that bypass ears entirely
[impossibly loud incorrect buzzer sound][impossibly loud incorrect buzzer sound][impossibly loud incorrect buzzer sound][impossibly loud incorrect buzzer sound][impossibly loud incorrect buzzer sound][impossibly loud incorrect buzzer sound][impossibly loud incorrect buzzer sound][impossibly loud inc
a useful thing to understand about laws is that they are made up. specifically, they are made up, in the moment, by the person pointing the gun at you. the books just exist to give them ideas
And the FIRST thing I found out is that the book can’t even be found in search unless it’s *selling enough* which is a GREAT Catch 22 situation. People can't find it if it doesn't sell, but you can't sell if people can't find it if they don't have the link: 7/
It still tickles me that America also had a cartoonist whose name became a byword for overly complicated contraptions, so "Heath Robinson" is one of those things you swap out in British English like "pavement" and "sidewalk", they are exactly equivalent
Today is the birthday of cartoonist, author, inventor, & engineer Rube Goldberg (July 4, 1883-Dec. 7, 1970).