
The washed up right wing grifters spinning up a gamergate2 to regain relevancy is supremely frustrating and demoralizing. Then for musk to capitalize on the traffic it’s creating and stoking the flame further. God fuckin damnit man. I hate this shit.
His own shitty car company literally has done corporate pride promo events, the bubble this man lives in is made of fucking lead
I can only hope that this is the last gasp of this hateful ignorance and that for Musk side his continued digging ends up being the grave of his money and relevancy.
I cannot avoid thinking that he is stupid enough to try and buy a company like EA or Ubisoft to try and make himself relevant now that he failed with twitter.
Unfortunately the vein of hatred runs very deep and there is much profit to be mined yet. I don’t see this ending any time soon. He would probably have to die to diminish his villainy at all.
Dunno I feel once he went fully masked off he lost a bit of influence. He gained a lot in far right circles but he has been burning so much of his money that I don't see him being their useful idiot for so long if he keeps losing like this. And in general Twitter seems a lot less influential nowdays
I left that place two months ago, and it looks like it's gotten even worse since then. I guess I made the right choice.
It’s why we’re all here now, I guess. The new owner over there just connected an upstream sewage pipe to the cesspool
I'm pretty sure it's mostly bots that are spreading it, but even still, I'm kinda done with that site now because of it. It's so fucking stupid and awful.
A dirty secret here: they hate Elon, too.