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Nobody special, but I dream. Author of LAGOONFIRE, THE INCONVENIENT GOD (both from Annorlunda Books), PEN PAL, various short stories. Sales of THE GOWN OF HARMONIES go to hunger relief.
🇧🇷Quete-do-sul 🌎Microspingus cabanisi O quete-do-sul ou tico-tico-da-taquara é uma ave passeriforme da família Thraupidae 📷 Filipe Bernardi
Wolcott, Marion Post, 1910-1990, photographer (c 1939) Children of Frederick Oliver, Tenant Purchase Borrower, Summerton, SC
The yellow spot is where a deity kissed it.
🇧🇷Assanhadinho-de-cauda-preta 🌎Myiobius atricaudus O assanhadinho-de-cauda-preta é uma ave passeriforme da família Onychorhynchidae. 📷 José Rondon
Hello bluesky. Here's a chalk drawing I did on my driveway of a gray catbird eating red currants. Catbirds are wonderful, personable, friendly birds.
Kingfisher and grackle on a foggy morning 🪶
🇧🇷Maria-picaça 🌎Poecilotriccus capitalis A maria-picaça é uma ave passeriforme da família Rhynchocyclidae. 📷 Ronaldo Koloszuk
I loved's "The Barricade"--it's a thoughtful, imaginative, hopeful vision of the future. Lots of little touches I loved, like people repurposing old oil tankers. There's a respect & empathy for all things. (1/2)
THE BARRICADE // IZ ‘The sea is our home.’ // ‘The Barricade’, a story by Joyce Ch'ng with art by Emma Howitt
ooooh--this story by sounds excellent.
‘it’s a quiet story, which eschews the normal beats of [an sf] narrative and shows us just the epilogue, what comes after the end of the world’ Jonathan Laidlow reviews Joyce Ch’ng’s ‘The Barricade’ and Álex Souza’s ‘Amber Alert’ in
THE BARRICADE // IZ ‘The sea is our home.’ // ‘The Barricade’, a story by Joyce Ch'ng with art by Emma Howitt
I have a story in the new EXPERIMENTAL FILES antho & the Kickstarter is now live at: My story for this started with a story idea that was "what if Yo Gabba Gabba but evil?". ANYWAY, please support this Kickstarter if you can because this book will be fabulous.
Update 3: A Huge Surprise! · Experimental We are off to a great start, so I wanted to begin by introducing you to some of the folks set to appear in this tribute.First, met one of the contributors to this tribute, the incomparable Dino Parent...
Poetry readers, I highly recommend A FAMILY OF DREAMERS by indigenous poet Samantha Nock. Own-replies to this post will be quotes from some of her poems.
Books » Talonbooks
And it rewards reading! A carefully told story of an apparition. Very nice penultimate moment, and very nice ultimate moment, too--just right for the story. Good one,! Good one,!
I want to read a short story with the title "Warmth." ~ and I CAN ~ because I have a subscription 😌 (I know no one can have subscriptions to everything--but I'm happy to enjoy the things I DO have a subscription to.)
INTERZONE In this issue: stories by Seán Padraic Birnie, E.G. Condé, Rachael Cupp, Roby Davies, Matt Hollingsworth, Prashanth Srivatsa, and R. Wren; columns by Alexander Glass, Nick Lowe, Val Nolan, and Aliya W...
I want to read a short story with the title "Warmth." ~ and I CAN ~ because I have a subscription 😌 (I know no one can have subscriptions to everything--but I'm happy to enjoy the things I DO have a subscription to.)
Very very pleased to have a new short story, 'Warmth', in the new Interzone, in some great company. 'Lisa watched the shadow, what she had taken to be a shadow, first sway and then appear to shift from its position below the shutters.'
Things I've spontaneously said to animals. Mailing list: Patreon:
Read @hawkwing_lb’s review of @ryfkah (’s LADY EVE’S LAST CON: “This is an immensely enjoyable romp. I have a feeling I’ll be recommending it quite a bit over the next while.”’s LADY EVE’S LAST CON: “This is an immensely enjoyable romp. I have a feeling I’ll be recommending it quite a bit over the next while.”
Liz Bourke Reviews Lady Eve’s Last Con by Rebecca Lady Eve’s Last Con, Rebecca Fraimow (Solaris 978-1-83786-159-0, $16.99, 368pp, tp.) June 2024. Lady Eve’s Last Con is Rebecca Fraimow’s debut novel, and what an interesting debut it is. Set in a f…
Reminder: You can be a Poetry Hero for only $55! You'll directly pay a poet's contributor fee, and your name will be published with our thanks alongside a poem in an upcoming issue of the magazine.
Strange Horizons’ annual fund-drive now live! A host of special issues ( such as Afro-surrealist SF) if we get funded, and some amazing rewards on offer. Click to find out more and to donate:
Strange Horizons A free weekly speculative fiction magazine with a global perspective.
Looks like he's a quilting project, like he's made from pretty bits of fabric.
🇧🇷Anambé-pombo 🌎Gymnoderus foetidus O anambé-pombo é uma ave passeriforme da família Cotingidae. 📷 Mathias Singer
I looked at this and saw the negative space: two upper teeth (sharpies) and two lower teeth (molars) in an open mouth. Whaaa? Then I saw what I was supposed to see. ... Probably also relevant, I never saw the movie in question.
ON THIS DAY 35 YEARS AGO: Batman was released. The level of "batmania" at the time was goofy, and the movie was instantly a classic.
Late-night crunchberry flowers were in full bloom this week
"In an effort to generate more foot traffic in his Chicago camera store, my grandfather Edwin Shutan dedicated a section to a book rental library and hired a staff librarian, Miss Michaels (shown)."
Rent-a-Book: High-resolution vintage photo archive with thousands of HD images.
Somehow while I was away, my story "Semper Vivens" went live at ANDROMEDA SPACEWAYS magazine. I feel pretty opportunistic suddenly appearing to say look at this but... look at this! The cover is my story 🎶
ASM Editorial Finn Barz Fiction Semper Vivens Francesca Forrest World of Woe Harry Hunter Lycemus Basuris Mattias Carosella New Creatures in the Book of Life Gregor Hartmann T River Here, There, and In…
This anthology is already made! It’s waiting for you! If you donate to the fundraiser, you should receive it within 24 hours! It’s got work by so many incredible creators, and all of them donated their pieces out of love!
A Gift in a Time of Grief for Jessica and Jeremy Wick, organized by Claire Hi there, friends. This is Amal El-Mohtar, Carlos Hernandez, J… Claire Cooney needs your support for A Gift in a Time of Grief for Jessica and Jeremy Wick
This anthology is full if magical stories and poems. It’s an incentive to donate to a fundraiser for Jessica Wick, herself a poet & former editor of GOBLIN FRUIT, to cover costs associated w/the death of her mother. Help out a wonderful person and gain a fabulous anthology 🙏🏻
So and C.S.E. Cooney and Carlos Hernandez and I are organizing a fundraiser for our beloved friend and colleague, Jessica P. Wick, who recently lost her mother. As a thank you for donating, you’ll get an amazing anthology!
A Gift in a Time of Grief for Jessica and Jeremy Wick, organized by Claire Hi there, friends. This is Amal El-Mohtar, Carlos Hernandez, J… Claire Cooney needs your support for A Gift in a Time of Grief for Jessica and Jeremy Wick
Sonya Taaffe linked to "Resurrection" by Sally Wen Mao. These lines, whoa: I’ve left my landline so ghosts can’t dial me at midnight with the hunger of hunters anymore. I’m so hungry I gnaw at light. In the autumn I moved to New York,