Lisa M. Bradley

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Lisa M. Bradley

Queer, disabled Latina spec-fic poet/author/editor. Work in LeVar Burton Reads, Fantasy, Lightspeed, Uncanny, & F&SF. Poetry Editor for Strange Horizons.
--a werewolf, as they age: "And the change no longer whipcracks through you like rogue lightning. Instead it ekes its way along your arthritic joints like a patient lockpick coddling rusty pins." How perfect is that. A patient lockpick coddling rusty pins.
A poem of mine that celebrates the wonder of survival, now at Small Wonders.
Ok folks. Who is from Boston and / or is familiar with Revere Beach? What are these? I've seen some references to call boxes and I can kinda believe the thing in the lion's mouth is a speaker...
The number of people Trump says he'll deport keeps going up. It's now 20 million, 50% higher than the largest estimates of the undocumented population. It's clear sign that distinguishing legal from illegal won't be a priority. They're just going to round up people they don't want to be here.
The Fox's shadow at Midday has a life of its own 🦊🐾✨
It’s Monday, I’m on vacation, and it’s my birthday!
Also, couldn’t resist this cute tote and pin from Little Ghosts Books!
My Readercon book haul: Samatar, Lima, Tremblay, Webb,, McSweeney, Milstein & Ruin, And I got the last copy of Suzan’s book, which is signed!
It is quite noticeable that Democrats have, in less than 24 hours, expressed more sympathy for a guy who didn’t actually get killed than for the tens of thousands of Palestinians who’ve been brutally murdered over the last several months.
Roused myself from sketchy sleep to hear explain “How I Wrote The Birdverse”.
The speculative poetry panel went well and afterwards I convinced and and to play a round of Daydrinking with Lisa.
For those of you following along with and my adventure to Boston, we have finally been reunited with our luggage. So a trip that started at 4:15 am central time yesterday we can say is over at 8:30 am Eastern today.
This is so true! And beautifully rendered.
Between the heat and brain weasels... You can haz taco. #papercraft
Arrived in Boston, finally. Alas, without our luggage. 😅
Stuck in Chicago, had to deplane twice, two different planes. 😑
I just bought a copy of Cowboy Graves and now I have cover envy.
The forthcoming Vintage Classics editions of Roberto Bolaño's books are very handsome things:
I have been working on a story about carbon capture for like three months because I keep thinking "it cannot possibly be THIS much of an absolute shit show" and figuring I must be missing something or misunderstanding something and then every new expert I talk to tells me it's even worse
I’m awake way too early because we’re flying out to today. A coffee failure has occurred. I think my coffee maker balked at being made to work at this hour. Me too, coffee maker, me too.
Great review of The Nightmare Box and Other Stories! If you love fiction that will both trust and devastate you, pick up this collection from
Today is truly special: it's the release of Cynthia Gómez's The Nightmare Box and Other Stories! I've worked with Cynthia ever since Antifa Splatterpunk (the very first Cursed Morsels release), so today feels like a full circle moment. Grab a copy and celebrate with us!
I just finished this collection and some stories I will never forget.
Friends, my first-ever short story collection comes out TOMORROW. Described as both angry and utopian, and as dark but also satisfying ... this collection is in some ways has been in the making for my entire life. Here's hoping you enjoy the ride.
The Nightmare Box and Other Stories paperback (PRE-ORDER: RELEASES JULY 9TH) | Eric A young queer man finds love at a magical clothing shop—and the courage to stand up to the homophobic cops. A witch who makes custom nightmares wonders why all her victims are connected to the Black P...
SPACE UNICORNS!! We are already 50% funded!!!!! KEEP IT ROLLING!!! 😁🦄
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE SHARE, SPACE UNICORNS! The Uncanny Magazine Year 11: This One Goes to ELEVEN! Kickstarter is LIVE! Only *you* can make a 11th year of Uncanny Magazine happen! Help us make more magic, Space Unicorns!!!
I got my test results back, and my liver enzymes are better, but they're still too high. Next step is an ultrasound. 😔
This looks like a really neat project! They've only got 10 days left, so let's boost this and help it fund!!!
Spacefunk! A collection of science fiction stories and poems by authors of African/African Diaspora Descent (including me). 55% funded; 10 DAYS TO GO! SPACE IS THE PLACE, Join us!
Spacefunk! Space is the place! A collection of science fiction stories and poems by authors of African/African Diaspora Descent.
The support I receive from my patrons deposited into my account today. Thank you all so much! If you haven’t checked in lately, be sure to look for the free download I posted last month. 🦉✨ #supportartists #art #patreon