
This Is What Our Political Press Sounds Like
all the "if trump remains disciplined and on-message and coherent at the debate it will be bad news for joe biden" Takes are on the same intellectual level of Nazis Win WW2 alt-history that requires Hitler to, fundamentally, Not Be Hitler
the last one is straight up a strategically daft idea
any one of them, in isolation, would be hysterically stupid, in combination, you get something that took a branding iron to my brain when i saw it
Also “don’t siege, take it immediately” Oh, really? Just take the city instead of besieging it? Why didn’t anyone think of that
The thing that’s really funny about this list, by the way, is that it’s very representative of the sort of thinking — genocidal racism aside — that made Hitler, well, Hitler
“I will simply go and do this obviously easy thing, because I have the will to power and logistics are for cowards and the subhuman Slav”
this is the thing, at core i think a solid 60% of this sort of person is a nazi apologist anyway so they just don't believe that hitler was in fact hitler