
This Is What Our Political Press Sounds Like
all the "if trump remains disciplined and on-message and coherent at the debate it will be bad news for joe biden" Takes are on the same intellectual level of Nazis Win WW2 alt-history that requires Hitler to, fundamentally, Not Be Hitler
the last one is straight up a strategically daft idea
any one of them, in isolation, would be hysterically stupid, in combination, you get something that took a branding iron to my brain when i saw it
Also “don’t siege, take it immediately” Oh, really? Just take the city instead of besieging it? Why didn’t anyone think of that
The thing that’s really funny about this list, by the way, is that it’s very representative of the sort of thinking — genocidal racism aside — that made Hitler, well, Hitler
“I will simply go and do this obviously easy thing, because I have the will to power and logistics are for cowards and the subhuman Slav”
this is the thing, at core i think a solid 60% of this sort of person is a nazi apologist anyway so they just don't believe that hitler was in fact hitler
Yeah that's definitely my favorite
the one that really kills me is "Adolf Hitler Should Have Simply Allied With The Slavs Instead Of Being Adolf Hitler"
this is believable if you remember that this creature likely does not think of the Nazis what any normal person thinks of the Nazis but simply as another playable faction in HOI4
oh yeah this is *intensely* a "learned my history from HOI4" person
There's also a lot between "win" and "end the war with a negotiated peace instead of unconditional surrender"
Though it's mostly "make Hitler not Hitler"
The "should have put the energy of the Holocaust to the war machine" people are holding all the pieces of an epiphany
"What if Hitler weren't a fanatical antisemitic German supremacist but instead a thoughtful and strategic leader?" "Yeah, what if you died and I replaced you with a historian?"
The fact that the Nazis *diverted resources from the war* to the Holocaust when they were losing is one of those things you just have to sit with for a while when you first learn it. Somehow they were *even worse* than the popular conception of them.
A lot of — let’s not call them sympathizers, but minimizers — act as if the Holocaust was a distraction from the project. But it *was* the project!
The Holocaust was, in the Nazis’ view, the entire purpose of the war! They went at it *harder* when they started losing the actual war!
I do think you could have done better as revanchist Germany in the 1930s/1940s than the Nazis did. I don't think the Nazis could've done better because they were insane maximalists with "be assholes to everyone" as a foundational principle of their ideology.
*Germany* could have won *a* Second World War, but the *Nazis* would not have been able to win the war that happened. The best they would be able to do would be to survive it. A WWII Nazi victory would require a different scope and combatants for the war itself.
For a German victory, you can either have a radically different World War II or you can have no Nazis, but you cannot have both. Without magic, pulp sci-fi crap, or divine intervention, anyway.
I’ve always maintained that one possibility is that the allies just fumble the bag somehow. They did that a lot at the start of the war, so it’s not inconceivable that they just keep making terrible decisions until they sue for peace
Pro-Nazi coup in the UK? Really that's about the only path forward I see. There weren't many ideological stumbling blocks to a Nazi-right wing of the Tories rapprochement. More stylistic differences than anything else.
I can imagine a mid-century war that sees Germany as the dominant state in continental Europe in the aftermath. That's about as far as as they'll get, both geographically and otherwise.
I think maybe if they don't drive out all the people who invade nukes they could end up as something like the USSR was historically, though maybe not if the actual USSR exists.
l'm sure the people who said "Slaven sind Sklaven" would have been up for that
I don't want to defend anything about this list, but beseiging Leningrad (not to be confused with Stalingrad!) actually _was_ a choice.
*besieging, dammit There's nothing quite so mortifying as being shown your typos over and over and not being able to fix them...
Oh! Did not know that. Learn something new every day
Sorta breaks the brain to think about it, no?
Grand Vizier Kara Mustafa Pasha in shambles 😭
“Great Suliman, I’m sorry, it simply did not occur to me”
(flanged vocals wehraboo Sten Stefani) 🎶 DONT SIEGE just gooo in there and take it no time for explainin just hit them where it hurts 🎶
Unrelatedly your display name so good that it’s mildly infuriating
Some of us just have the gift, is all 💅🏻 lol
yeah why didn't he just WIN more.
They could have just knocked, I am certain. "Oh sure, take our city we're not using it."
In this timeline the Battle of Leningrad is the Battle of Stalingrad.