
Not making any threats here, just thinking out loud as a historian — do they people brazenly pushing for impunity for the wealthy elites not know what traditionally comes next?
the combination of Ohio, Chevron, and Jarkesy is to tell the extraordinarily rich “there’s no one who can hold you accountable for anything if you can afford a lawsuit”
They’re assuming when it gets down to brass tacks that the highly militarized police forces are going to put down the rebellion
Generally in these situations the military wins. Whose side the military is on is the real question they should ask.
Depends on whether or not the military is also supported by the largest neoliberal bullshit empire in the world.
History is full of militaries breaking for one faction or another (or themselves alone!) all the time, often to the fatal surprise of one faction or another. Anyone who is certain how it would go is a fool.
And rich folks security/troops grabbing what they can and running, when things get hot. The problem with mercenaries…
Naw these people became rich because they're smart. They clearly know how to make keep their subordinates loyal & will have the military on their side in any conflicts
They’re MONEY smart, not necessarily real world smart. And money has a habit of insulating them from the real world. You have to work to keep connected.
They know. That’s why they want the robot dogs and cops.
I’ll say that while militaries are kinda wild cards in these scenarios, cops usually are not.
The issue isn’t ‘cops vs robots’; it’s ‘humans vs robots’. Some degree of unpredictability is inevitable with humans.
Our military is led by professional officers/NCOs who are very separated from civilians. They're not lining up with the people.
History is also full of officers trying to do one thing and the rank and file going another way.
Spartan rank and file indoctrinated from birth about sheep and sheepdogs
Oh you mean to cosplaying bullies too scared to actually go into the line of fire. The cops ain’t gonna be a factor if shit goes that far south. Only the regular military will matter and sheepdog/sheep nonsense isn’t taught as much there.
our military and police are brainwashed maga. don't count on them.
Also there’s probably plenty of officers smart enough to lie about why they want to do a coup
On one hand true, on the other hand the social and economic class they hail from is most definitely not that of the wealthy elites.
The Us has been very effective at creating a Spartan military and police and the Spartans were oligarchy owned and controlled. Very good at massacring the helots and terrible at winning wars in the late period.