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Level 39 coyote person / she+they

Artist, writer & cat mom. I make stuff!

Mostly life stuff, cat pics and One Piece shitposting. This account is🔞NSFW and I cuss a lot.
TFW you can't tell if the nausea is from the T break, the change in meds, or both.
I'm kinda hurting for grocery money ATM, would anyone like a $20 headshot? Quick turnaround, full-color, and you'd be helping me, my partner and my cats have some decent meals! DM for details, retweets are greatly appreciated.
Taking a T break has made me a cunty li'l bitch.
Werewolf top or werewolf bottom? I'm writing something and honestly don't know which way to go. Yes it's kinky. Obviously. So, werewolf top or werewolf bottom?
Who else is counting down til the big apology announcement from StickerMule? XD
So I've discovered Duffy the Disney Bear & Friends and this is 100% my jam, holy shit. Cute plushies with personalities and backstories and goddamned outfits? My faves are Linabell the fox and Gelatoni the cat.
Whoever decided that the term for the little tsk! sound you make with your mouth should be “sucking your teeth” deserves to be drawn and quartered like yesterday.
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One of the best feelings, as a person with many OCs, is getting fanart. Someone liked MY character enough to go out of their way to draw them simply because they wanted to? It's the ultimate compliment. I keep a special folder of all the fanart I've gotten and I look at it when I need a good smile.
Yeah. My cheese-and-broccoli baked potato, jerks. Give it back.
This is what Wendy's used to be. Never forget what they took from you.
Reposted byAvatar 🌵Coy🌵
We need to send African, Asian, Middle Eastern, and Latin American observers to go monitor the situation in the US. We are concerned about the way things are handled over there. Political instability in the US is a threat to non-western democracy.
Just gonna put this right here just in case.
Shit. You’d think that a country with so many gun nuts would actually be able to properly assassinate a former leader. Japan did it with a homemade explode-y tube.
Y'all remember Kitty Kitty Kittens? I had two and I wish I hadn't gotten rid of them. :( I had the ones named Buttons and Fluffy here, but Buttons was Noel (I got her for Christmas) and Fluffy was Princess.
Reposted byAvatar 🌵Coy🌵
Fade in on Oda at his desk, toiling over his work. The mangaka is sweating over his drawing board, focused on the task at hand. “Romeo is too obvious a name for a loverboy,” he murmurs feverishly, scratching away with his pen. The name is gone, replaced with “3 o’clock”. “Ah,” he sighs. “Perfect.”
Reposted byAvatar 🌵Coy🌵
Yeeee. If I'm a little loopy (loopier than usual) over the next couple of weeks, I apologize in advance! Doc has been futzing with my medication again.
Reposted byAvatar 🌵Coy🌵
this is one of those things that's a real pet peeve online. it leaves no space for people to be ignorant and become informed, to not get it and then to learn. "this you?" can be similar. sometimes it's like we replicated the "John Kerry's a FLIP-FLOPPER" thing for folks who agree now but didn't then
The specific names here don’t matter, because the rhetorical construction is endemic in broadly left-wing posting. It starts from a place of open antagonism, it doesn’t actually inform, and it functions only as a public statement of the poster’s fundamental righteousness. Utterly unserious stuff
ADHD-havers: When the executive function is real bad and the guilt won’t stop, does anyone else get that amazing feeling of relief when you finally decide “not today, tomorrow”? Like some of the weight lifts off your shoulders for a minute? But then the guilt comes back?
I dunno guys, I’ve just been having kind of a hard time. I just want a break and a chance to see friends. I’m struggling more than I was. Thank goodness I have an appt with my psych on Friday.
I was almost falling asleep at my desk earlier & now that I’m in bed I’m wide awake, brain buzzing with ideas. But I know if I get up to take advantage of this energy, I’m just going to end up gaming instead of doing something productive/creative.
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The Simpsons said it best. I wish I could vote in this election. Voting strategically against Trump is very clearly the correct course of action.
I hate that I feel like I have to hide my sadness sometimes because letting it out means that any good mood that my partner might have had turns sour. I feel like I have to be happy happy happy all the time and it's kinda killing me.
30 years ago I was in school with several kids who were medicated for ADHD and we weren't allowed to bring peanut butter sandwiches for lunch.
This can’t be true because my grandparents in the 90s used to laugh at ADHD diagnoses among my friends and say they only needed to be disciplined and go to church
Fade in on Oda at his desk, toiling over his work. The mangaka is sweating over his drawing board, focused on the task at hand. “Romeo is too obvious a name for a loverboy,” he murmurs feverishly, scratching away with his pen. The name is gone, replaced with “3 o’clock”. “Ah,” he sighs. “Perfect.”
Just tapping this sign once again. The people of England and France voted STRATEGICALLY. It isn't the time to be sanctemoneous about it. Get off your soapbox for a bit and THINK. This is the big fight. Live through this, and then focus on LOCAL elections. That is how you get progressives in!
So everyone on my TL is going to vote blue in November, right? Because if Trump gets a second term, he will have unbridled power. Imagine that. I get that Biden sucks for MANY reasons, but this year you HAVE to vote strategically. I KNOW IT SUCKS. You think I like voting for Trudeau?
Today's plans are: make fricot, clean bathroom, and try to actually get some drawing done. All this artfight stuff is super inspiring and I have to get over my stupid anxiety.
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Bluesky open talk, art gang chime in! For me, even 'silly' comments are very welcome! I might not reply every time, because what do I say to '💗' (and even then I will often leave an emoji in return, still). But I TREASURE them. It lets me know actual people perceived me, and they liked what I did.
Back in the Twitter days, I know some artists were like "Replies help engagement!" So I tried to leave a silly little comment but sometimes I felt like a goofball for doing it so I always ask artists: Benign or silly comments to art: yes or no?
Holy shit. I switched to a diva cup years ago because tampons made me feel like shit. Low-key lead poisoning? Menstrual cups are surprisingly easy to use and nowhere near as yucky as you'd expect! I can safely sterilize it at home whenever I want to and can wear it for up to 12 hours at a time.
There was lead in EVERY tampon they tested. There was less lead in organic tampons, but those had higher concentrations of arsenic. Also fun: It's 2024. This is the first ever study testing metals in tampons. Great. 🙃 www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/tox... Study: www.sciencedirect.com/science/arti...
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